stressed, chill, promises

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" I came across a fallen tree, I felt the branches of it looking at me

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" I came across a fallen tree, I felt the branches of it looking at me.
Is this the place we used to love? Is this the place that I've been dreaming of? "
— somewhere only we know, keane

Y/N STOPPED HERSELF from shaking her friend too much as her eyes are now averted on the new clothes she just made.

" It's pretty...! " Y/n said.

" You already said that 33rd time already. " Ami said deadpanned.

It's been 1 month since Y/n knew about Kazuha being the model she makes clothes for, there are some rumors about the two but Y/n cleared them out by telling them that they're only friends.

The bond of the duo got close to each other but Y/n teasing can be also seen there.

The seamstress became also Kazuha's personal hairdresser, she only accepted it because of the double the money, of course, it is because of Kazuha too. 

In the present, Y/n coughed making her friend give her a bottle of water that made her quickly chug into it.

" Have you heard, there will be an event for the companies this next week? " Ami asked while Y/n rested her fingers on her chin.

" Like there will award?!?! " Y/n asked.

" Are you really only there for an award? " Ami asked deadpanned.

" Well, not really...if there will be a contest I wanted to see my other works from before. The uniform, the formal, and the Halloween one. " Y/n replied while enumerating it in her fingers.

" Figures. " Ami said while also resting a finger on her chin. " They said the contest will be needed a pair of female and male. "

" I wonder, the Contract and Eternity Company...who's their representative? " Y/n asked.

" As I researched, from the Contract Company are Xiao and Ganyu. " Ami replied.

" Xiao...? Oh dang, that person is pretty too. " Y/n said.

" Not gonna lie but that's true. " Ami said while Y/n nodded in approval.

" How about the Eternity Company? " Y/n asked.

" Hmmm, the Kamisato siblings. " Ami replied making Y/n slam her head on the near table.

" Well this is getting harder, that duo is also so goddamn pretty. " Y/n internally cried.

" On the Freedom Company is Kazuha and well, Noelle. " Ami said making Y/n nod.

" Yes, I know. Someone is actually working on Ms. Noelle's matching outfit that I made for Kazu before. " Y/n said while rubbing her eyes. 

" So, the program said that props can be used right? " Y/n asked while Ami nodded. 

" M'kay wait for a while... " Y/n said while dialing Venti's number. 

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