please, be happy for eternity

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" Somebody wake up my heart

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" Somebody wake up my heart. Light me up, set fire to my soul, yeah.
'Cause I can't do it anymore. Gimme that can't sleep love.
I want that can't sleep love
. "
— can't sleep love, spencer kane

Y/N STOOD UP as she got done sending her messages while Kazuha lay a flower and three maple leaves on Tomo's grave.

The duo stood up looked at each other and smiled softly before Y/n clung to Kazuha's arm saying, " Let's go! Brother got enough of our time.

Kazuha chuckled because it was true, the both of them woke up early and stayed for 3 hours in Tomo's grave to let them tell their stories.

" Alright, alright. Do you wanna go do the clothes first? " Kazuha asked the girl as both of them started walking away.

" Sure, but we need the things for it. Wanna do shopping with me so you can pick for the first time what kind of fabrics you want? " Y/n replied. 

Kazuha shuffled her hair and left a soft kiss on her head before smiling and saying, " Of course. "

Y/n smiled and began to drag him to the streets, walking to the place where she first brought Tomo and letting him start picking his fabrics.

As they entered, the jingling sound of the bell lingered around the room, the door closed behind them and the smell of fabric overwhelmed them.

They were greeted welcome while Y/n just waved and smiled at them because she's been visiting this shop since then.

" Where do you wanna start? " Y/n asked cheerfully, her eyes brimming with sparkles were in her eyes were crying out earlier. 

Kazuha smiled that she was now feeling fine, for real he thought that he will get worried that he can't sleep thinking about it.

" Anywhere, I am fine as long you are with me. " Kazuha replied.

" Aw, your words fluttered me, pretty boy. " Y/n said while grinning. 

" As you should, darling. " Kazuha said that made Y/n giggle. 

Kazuha and Y/n's phones began to vibrate making Y/n laugh nervously and say, " We need to do this fast. "

" Agreed. " Kazuha said.

Their phones are, well, bombed by notifications, they don't care if they got pictures from the public but they get too much attention, especially since their relationship got in the news and newspapers.

Y/n looked at Kazuha's back who was so focused on picking his fabric that made Y/n pull her phone and stared at the screen.



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@/y/n's#1fan ] it's another @/notreallyn/n and @/notreallykazu series. but i am not complaining.

[ @/definitelynoone ] they look so cute, aww, they're like my comfort ship that has sailed. 

[@/freedomcmpnylovr ] sanaol, nagingat pa ako sa mga saket tas sa inggit lang ako mamatay. 

[ @/kazuandy/nsupremacy ] oooh they're in that shop! 

Y/n sighed at her best friend's dumbass but still got to laugh at her attitude.

[@/notreallyn/n ] shut it, @/thisisnotami! I'm not gonna forget you, but anyways I just really love @/notreallykazu sooo-

65 replies

Y/n chuckled and kept her phone as she saw Kazuha picking the 3rd fabric that made Y/n stand next to him.

" Done already? " Y/n asked while tilting her head that making Kazuha nod and smile. 

" Alright, let's go. " Y/n said while grabbing his hand and dragging him to the cashier while Kazuha carried the fabrics.

Kazuha laid it in the cashier while Y/n paid for it and grabbed the paper bags.

" Where do you want to go next? " Kazuha asked while intertwining his hand with hers.

" Anything you would love to. " Y/n said. 

" Is that so? " Kazuha asked before carrying Y/n in bridal style making Y/n squeal and wrapping her hand at his neck. 

Kazuha give Y/n a kiss that Y/n melted in before pulling away, Y/n smiled at him with a flushed face.

" Alright, let's get away from the streets. " Kazuha said as he used his vision to let the wind carry them.

" Whoa. " Y/n said in awestruck but suddenly almost screamed when Kazuha was about to put her down.

Kazuha chuckled and said, " The wind will help you stand on air, darling. Don't be scared, you're with me anyway. "

Y/n nodded and said, " Alright.

Kazuha slowly put her down while Y/n grabbed his hand tightly but her scared expression turned into an exciting one when she got to stand next to Kazuha.

" Ahh, this is so cool. " Y/n said while hugging Kazuha. " Thank you. "

Kazuha blushed at the sudden action making him hug Y/n back and leave a soft kiss on her head.

Y/n giggled and patted him before pulling away, they enjoyed the scenario of the sunset as the wind guides them.

" You know, I enjoyed everything this day. I enjoy every day when you are here with me. " Y/n said. " You are so calming, like the breeze brushing my skin. "

Kazuha chuckled with a small tint of red in his skin for the compliment, he can just not be shy when Y/n compliments her. 

" I enjoyed it too. " Kazuha said in a soft voice while fixing Y/n hair behind her ear. " Really. "

" I am very happy today, everything was too perfect today. " Y/n said while smiling.

" I am too. " Kazuha said while nodding and smiling at her. " Please, be happy for eternity, my lady. "


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