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" May be surrounded by a million people

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" May be surrounded by a million people.
I still feel all alone, just wanna go home.
Oh, I miss you, you know?
— home, michael buble

JEAN GRABBED A suspicious person who was wearing a turtle neck jacket, a mask, and sunglasses on who was entering the school.

" Who are you? " Jean asked suspiciously.

" It's me Y/n, geez! " Y/n said in a shut voice. 

" Why are you looking like that, geez? " Jean said while Y/n removed her shades and mask.

" Why are you here? " Y/n changed the subject.

" Oh, yes. I need to tell you that the principal moved you to Class A. " Jean said. 

" Class A...? WHAT?! " Y/n asked in disbelief while blushing. 

She was avoiding Kazuha soon as possible, she even thought of changing seats far away from the window but being in the same class as him is the worst thing to happen, not that she complained about it but, yeah. 

" Why? Do you have a problem with it? " Jean asked confused. " Don't worry. Venti already cleared the rumors so just do your thing. "

Little did Jean know, the rumors aren't her problem anymore. Y/n shook her head and just thanked her before entering class.

Kazuha and her sight got caught by each other

" Good morn- " Y/n quickly cut Kazuha's greetings and walk away to the furthest seat away from him. 

It may look like she's being rude but it's needed, the action made him frown, and sat at his seat as the class started. 

Lunch came, and she ordered simple foods in the cafeteria. 

When Y/n was about to eat with her spoon she immediately dropped it because of remembering Kazuha's kisses yesterday night making her face flush red.

" Are you gonna eat, Y/n? " Ami asked. 

" I lose my appetite. " Y/n replied while burying her face under her jacket.

" Y/nnn. " Kazuha suddenly showed up making her situation worse. 

She stood up and was about to walk away when Kazuha grabbed her wrist.

Having flashbacks from before Y/n quickly slapped his hands away and pulled away from her hand away startled him.

It was for sure that he can't remember what happened at that time.

" S-Sorry...I gotta go. " Y/n said shyly before turning around and running away. 

Ami patted Kazuha's back to comfort him and said, " Let her be for a while. She is overthinking.

" Even myself can't comprehend what is happening. I want the old Y/n. " Ami said as her eyes fluttered on Y/n's untouched food. 

Y/n caught her breath and got hot in the jacket that she wanted to remove it any sooner now. 

" Ah, damn why is this so hard? " Y/n asked herself in front of the school bathroom's mirror. 

Suddenly, three girls showed up in the bathroom who have such an intimidating aura that made Y/n look at them deadpanned. Those faces are really annoyed Y/n. 

" Are you, Y/n? " One of them asked who is Linda from Class C.

Y/n ignored them and stepped outside the bathroom but before that could happen one of them grabbed her by the hair and did drag her outside.

" What the fuck?! " Y/n grumbled. 

" You keep on stealing everyone. " The 2nd one said, for sure it was Rosaline, from Class A who was the one dragging her by the hair and banged her on the wall.

Y/n sput blood on the floor before rubbing the side of her mouth and smirking.

" Hah, stealing? Is this about Kaedehara Kazuha? " Y/n snickered making the 3rd person who is with Rosaline kick her on the stomach.

" You seem to enjoy this. " The 3rd person is Yuni, said.

" What seems to be all your problem? Was it the kiss on the roleplay? " Y/n asked as Rosaline glared at the comment for Y/n knew and hit the bullseye.

" Haha, well there was never a kiss happened there. " Y/n said while standing up slowly and hugging his stomach with one hand. 

' Well not there anyways. ' Y/n thought.

" Say, tell me, Rosaline. I got enough of your bullshit. So, tell me this right now. Were you the one who wanted to kill me in that accident last year? " Y/n asked.

Rosaline suddenly laughed and pointed at Y/n's chest and pulled away. Both people grabbed her hands and Rosaline showed a knife in hand.

" You just knew it today? " Rosaline asked.

" Ah, so it was you. " Y/n grumbled. " You killed my brother you fucking psychopath. "

" Ahh~ I loved him before and it was supposed to be your death. But he saved you what a bond, yeah? " Rosaline said, Y/n couldn't say no more for her blood is boiling hot.

When Y/n was about to speak again, her hands got free and all of those people suddenly got in the wind.

" Ah? Wind...? " Y/n commented as her sight slowly trailed to Kazuha who was looking so angry that made Y/n yelp. Behind him were Venti, Lisa, and others.

" Are you alright, Y/n? " Kazuha asked while grabbing her shoulders with worry, while Y/n nodded.

" You're bleeding, ah- why did you suddenly cry? " Kazuha panicked and made Y/n hug him and hide her face in his chest, the burden she carried was now bursting out as she cried out.

" She killed my brother. It was supposed to be that's why I avoided you as the rumors started...I'm sorry for ignoring you too because I was scared you might end up dead because of me too. " Y/n said between her sobs, Kazuha then patted her head and hugged her back.

Lisa and Jean took the 3 girls away from them and began to give them punishments before bringing them to the police.

As Y/n cried out, she fell asleep in Kazuha's arms. This made Kazuha bring her to the clinic and Ms. Lai treated her as Kazuha waited outside. 

After that, Y/n woke up and saw Kazuha holding her hand who was sleeping on a chair near her bed.

Y/n smiled softly and some butterflies lingered in her stomach that made her comb his hair with her fingers.

" Y/n...? " Kazuha called out, his eyes fluttering open.

" Mhm? " Y/n replied smiling sweetly. 


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