Chapter 2

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(y/n) your name
(l/n) last name
(e/c) eye color
(h/l) hair length
(h/c) hair color

Hiro's P.O.V

"Hey!" I heard someone yell. Everyone including me looked toward the voice. I blinked at suddenly saw a black helmet in my face, with (any color) shorts, a black leather jacket, with (any color) shirt and sneakers.

Boosh! A cloud of smoke rose and someone pulled my arm, "Hurry!" The person yelled, "There getting away!" The lackeys yelled still coughing due to the smoke.

We suddenly stopped, "Why are we stopping!" I asked "They're right behind us!" "They won't be if you get on!" The person told me taking tiny boards out their pocket. I was gonna ask if this person was crazy or something but the boards turned skateboard size. "The name's (l/n)." The person threw me a helmet.

"Hover boards?" I asked in amusemet. "Yup." They replied now get on. The lackeys were almost caught up to us when the boards boosted forward.

I almost fell off when the person grabbed my arm making me soon get the hang of the speed. We adjusted and slowed down until we met a pair headlights.

The lights turned off and I saw that it was Tadashi. "Tadashi!" I shouted. "I'm not even going to ask. Follow me!" He told us and bolted off. He stared questioning me, "Are you alright?" "Yes." "Are you harmed?" "No." "Then what were you thinking?!" He started hitting me, "Knucklehead."

"Bot fighting's illegal. Your gonna get your self arrested." He told me I was going to respond but . "Bot fighting is not illegal," (l/n) started "Now betting on bot fighting, that's illegal." "Plus look at all this dough!" I took out some of the money I earned. "I'm on a roll big brother and nothing can stop me!" I spoke too soon.

*Siren siren* We were locked up waiting for our guardians to come get us. (l/n) and I were in a separate cell compared to Tadashi who was stuck with all the other bot fighters. Boy did he look cramped and mad.

"(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n)." The person said taking off their helmet revealing a girl underneath. I blushed at the sight. Beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair with marvously (e/c) eyes. "H-hiro. Hiro Hamada. (Y/n) that's a nice name" I stuttered like an idiot. "Thanks." She replied.

"Your free to go." The officer told me I got up about to walk out and noticed that (y/n) was still sitting. "Hey." I got her attention. "Let's leave together." I smiled and she got up.

Your P.O.V

When we left the station there was a woman outside of the station biting her nails nervously. "Hey aunt Cass." Tadashi and Hiro said in unison.

"Are you guys alright?!" She asked as she squeezed the life out of them. "We're fine aunt Cass." Tadashi reassured her. She made a sigh of relief, then she grabbed their ears and started pulling on them.

"Then what were you two knuckleheads thinking!" I laughed a bit and she final noticed me. "Who're you?" She asked then looked at the boys, "Oh god you didn't drag her into this did you?" "No mamn, I came here on my own." I told her, "My name is (y/n) (l/n)."

"Well (y/n), why don't you come with us and you can contact your family later." Cass told me still pulling on the boys ears. I nodded and we were off. On the ride to their home she was ranting on how she should have gotten a parenting book and so and so.

"I had to close up shop early because of you two!" She said as she unlocked the door to a cafe. "We love you aunt Cass." Hiro said, "Well I love you too!" She took a bite out of a donut. We looked at her confused, "Stress eating!" She turned around and walked off into another room, "C'mon Mochi!"

And that was that. I followed Hiro upstairs with Tadashi not to far behind. He ran to his computer sat down and started looking up bot fights.

"There's one across town." I pointed out. " You better make it up to aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe." Tadashi said as he walked into the room. "Now who exactly are you?" Tadashi asked when he settled into the room.

"I'm going to get to the point, my name is (y/n) (l/n) I am 14 years old and graduated high school when I was 13. I am an illegal bot fighter, why you ask? Because I don't want to go to that nerd school my sister attends so I can hear stuff I already know. Therefore I bot fight because I'm bored and I need something to do. Think of it like a hobby. " When I finished explaining my self I looked up and saw Hiro and Tadashi jut staring at me.

They looked at each other then me again. "W-what?" I asked with a little blush. Tadashi sighed, "Great so now I know two knuckleheads." All of sudden we heard a tap at the window.

Coincidence? I think not! (Hiro Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now