It's not okay! Where is he?

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Hiro's POV

I was shaking, Kori, (y/n) and Tadashi didn't come outside after the building exploded for good. They're gone and I couldn't help. I started crying a bit more.

I then heard the sound of metal moving towards us and a yell from. It can't be! (Y/N)! She still had her microbot headband on.

She was carrying Kori and Tadashi! When they finally landed she said, "See? Told you I was tough." We all nodded with tears of joy and replied, "Yea, you really are." Then she passes out from lack if blood.

She had a huge cut on her back with her shirt literally gone (I would have been blushing at this point but this was a serious situation), Kori had a few cuts but a lot of minor burns, her jacket completely burnt off. Tadashi barley suffered just a few bruises and one burn on his face! They must have dove for him without caring for themselves.

Tadashi...Kori's definitely a keeper. We rushed to the hospital Kori and (y/n) had to go into surgery. Tadashi was getting his lungs pumped. In a long unbearable hours (currently 7 am) we were able to see all of them.

As soon as we reached their conjoined room I heard, "Tadashi you idiot!" No doubt that was the one ans only Kori. When I opened the door I saw Kori literally on Tadashi's bed about to pounce on him while (y/n) was holding her back.

Wassabi immediately ran up to them and pushed Kori away onto her bed. After that commotion died down we all talked about the serious situation at hand.

No One's POV

"How did you know about the gas leak (y/n)?" Cass asked while giving everyone a few sweets. "It was Kori honestly." You replied, Kori looked surprised and asked, "Me? How so?" "I saw your discomfort in the presentation hall after Krei left us and everyone disputed." You replied, "Why didn't you say something Kori?" You then asked.

"I didn't want to freak anyone out, plus I'm very superstitious." She replied, "How? You're almost always right its scary." Fred chuckled. The group then started to talk normally, Hiro talked to you and Tadashi got yelled at. Kori went into deep thought.

"Kori spill it." (Y/n) said loudly causing everyone to turn to her. "I can never hide anything from you can I?" She chuckled, "Same to you sis. Now spill please."

"Okay okay. I saw something else in the fire. Hiro's headband wasn't on the stage anymore. Someone took it." She said, "You don't think Krei did do you?" Honey Lemon asked. "No Krei and his assistant both left after all auditions." Kori replied.

"Wait a second..." Tadashi jumped in, " he dead? We didn't save him." He looked down in shame, "Whoever took my headband must have started the fire. Tadashi and you girls would have died!" Hiro looked down with a deep scowl.

"This makes no sense then!" Gogo yelled frustrated, if Callahagn died then his body would still be there. I looked at the victim list, it was only you three and Callahagn! So where is he?" Just then the building started to shake, "Who has our bags?" Kori yelled pointing to you and herself.

Cass wobbled over to you guys, the ceiling was being removed, "Here chew and blow!" Kori said throwing gumballs at each person in the room. The ceiling was ripped off a bunch of concrete fell on you guys but thanks to Kori's gum you guys were shielded.

When the dust cleared up you guys looked at the source of this demolition to face a...

Coincidence? I think not! (Hiro Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now