Oh no! Close Call?

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Kori's POV

"That. Was. Awesome you guys!!!" I exclaimed as I fist bumped Hiro, who took of his headband (y/n) still had hers on. "Thanks Kori." (Y/n) hugged me, "I bet you were nervous?" I whispered to her.

"I really was..." She sighed, I kissed her forehead then ruffled her hair, "I think you did perfect little sister." I smiled at her.

Hiro went up to (y/n) and gave her a tackling hug. It was cute moment. Then Alister Krei came up to them. He offered them a job which Callaghan kept insisting they reject.

Hiro kindly declined, and Tadashi got his microbot back. I then felt something wrong with the situation. Ehh maybe it's just me.

Everyone started to clear out, Hiro and Tadashi went to talk outside while the gang went with aunt Cass. (Y/n) and I stayed behind to answer some questions.

While (y/n) was in the middle of her sentence she yelled, "I smell gas! EVERYONE GET DOWN!!!" Just as she said that there was an explosion. I was right!

We started helping people get out, at this point the fire was getting stronger. We got everyone out it was just us with Callaghan.

Tadashi then ran in yelling our names. Then boom another explosion that sent us back. I before I lost consciousness, (y/n) was in a pool of blood. Then it was black.

Your POV

I woke up, feeling really weak, to the sound of sirens and water. "I then saw my predicament, I must have still had my headband on because I was safely covered with Tadashi and Kori near my sides.

I dropped the little forcefield, and saw bunch of rubbish. I used the microbots to shove the rubbish away. I then used then to carry all three of us towards the paramedics.

I saw Hiro crying along with Cass, the gang helping Wassabi calm down also crying. "Hey! Try helping us!" I yelled at them with all the strength I had left. I lowered us down and then the microbots dropped down.

"Told ya I was tough." You smiled at them, now in tears of joy, "You did didn't you?"
A/N: Wow two chapters in one day owo I should get a flipping reward!

Coincidence? I think not! (Hiro Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now