Chapter 4: The Idea

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Your P.O.V

We walked to what it seemed to be a hall with separate rooms. "So what have you been working on?" Hiro asked. "This." Kori answered while her andbTadashi got out...duct tape? "Ahh ooh...sorry guys duct tape's already been invented." I said as they each took our arms.

They put the tape on our arms and ripped it off causing us the drop our bots and yelp in pain, "Ow! Dude! OW!" *beep beep* *Woosh* A white thing came out. He picked up a chair moved it across and came over to Hiro and I.

Hey waved in a circular motion, "Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion." He started, while Tadashi and Kori mimicked his movements, "I alerted to the need of medical attention when you said 'Ow'." "So a robotic nurse?" Hiro asked. "Not one but two! Baymax split!" Baymax split into two of the same size. "On a scale of one to ten his might you rate your pain?" He asked us. "Physical or Emotional?" I asked with sarcassum. Kori just gave me puppy dog eyes. The Baymax's moved into one and he rotated his head up and down. "Scan complete."

"You have a slight epidermal abrasion to the forearm. I suggest an anti bacterial spray." He said as he took arms about to spray. "Wait, what 's in the spray specifically?" Hiro asked smugly. "The primary source is Bacitracin." Baymax replied, "That's a bumer, I'm actually allergic to that." "You are not allergic to Bacitracin, you do have a mild allergy to...peanuts." Baymax finished, spraying the spray on our arms. "You've done some serious coating on this thing." I said, "He's programmed with over 2000 medical procedures. This chip is what makes Baymax, Baymax." Tadashi said as he tapped Baymax's power source.

I walked around Baymax poking his 'skin', "Vinyl?" "Yea we're going for a more huggable approach." Tadashi informed us, "Hydro spectral cameras?" Hiro asked as he tapped Baymax's eyes. "Yeah!" Kori replied. We stuck our heads into the vinyl. "Titanium skeleton." Hiro said, "Carbon fiber." Kori corrected. "Right, even lighter." Hiro agreed. "Woah! Killer actuators!" I yelped, "Where'd you get them?" "Uhm, forge them right here in house." Tadashi told me. "Really?!" Hiro asked. "Yup, he can lift 1000 pounds." Kori told us. "Shut up." I said in awe. "You have been good patients, have a lollipop." Baymax said as he held out two suckers. "Nice!" Hiro said as we took one. "I can not deactivate until you say, 'You are satisfied with your care'." "Well then, we are satisfied with our care."

He waddled back to his carrier while I asked Tadashi, "What kind of batteries does he use?" "Lithon iron." "You know Super Copasitors would recharge way faster." Hiro finished. "Burning the late now oil See Mr.Hamada and Ms.(l/n)." Some man came into the lab.

Hiro's P.O.V

"Oh no sir we were just leaving." Tadashi signalled us he was gonna close up. He then looked at (y/n) and I. "Hiro and (y/n) fighters right? Mind showing me your bots?" He asked and we handed them to him. "Magnetic barring servals." He said. "Yeah, if you want I can show you how I pit them together." *knock knock* "Hey genius" Tadashi said through the glass, "he invented those." I went wide eyed, "Y-your Robert Callaghan." (Y/n) stuttered. "You should think of applying here, your age won't matter." Tadashi and Kori closed the lab door and walked with Mr. Callaghan, "I don't know sir, they're pretty serious of their career in bot fighting." Kori told Mr. Callaghan as we walked to the elevator. "Oh that's a shame, I was really hoping to see you guys in my lecture class." He said holding the door as we all got in. "Good luck with those bot fights though." He finished as the door closed. I stared at the door then looked over to (y/n) she did the same thing.

Your P.O.V

Oh my god I want to get into this school, no, I NEED to get into this school. When we left the building Hiro and I couldn't help but stare back at the school.

"We better hurry if we want to catch that bot fight." Tadashi said as he lifted up his bike. "I need to get into this nerd school." Hiro and I said in unison, "How do we get in?" Tadashi and Kori smiled at each other.

*Time Skip in the Cafe*

"I've got nothing." I said as I bang my head on one side of Hiro's desk, "Stupid. Useless Brain." Hiro joined me. "Washed up at 14?" Tadashi said as him and Kori laughed sitting next to each other. "That's it! We're never getting in!" I yelled in frustration. Kori spinned my chair around and lifted me my ankles. "What are you doing! Put me down! Hiro!" I yelled. "I wish I could help but we seem to be in the same boat." He told me as he hung upside down. "Think of a new angle! You know shake things up!" Tadashi told us. That's when it hit me, I grabbed Kori's legs and flipped her over so she was on Hiro's bed. I looked at Tadashi who made a nervous grin and put Hiro down.

Hiro stared at me for a while, "You never cease to amaze me." He smiled and I blushed. "So, what's your idea?" Hiro asked. "You see our bots?" I started while pointing to them and he nodded, "Well we put them together using out mind, so why not use them to put things together using our minds!" I finished. Everyone just stared at me dumb folded. "I'm sorry what?" Kori asked. "WAIT!!!" Hiro shouted, "That's a great idea." "I know right!" I beamed. "Mind explaining what you guys are talking about?" Tadashi asked. Hiro ignored him and asked, "Do they have duo presentations?" "Well, it depends, that's how me and Tadashi got in the school." Kori started "But since it you two then I'm sure Callaghan will allow it." She finished. "We got work to do then." Hiro eyed me with a smile, "We sure do." I replied giving him a high five.

Coincidence? I think not! (Hiro Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now