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Hiro's POV

We waited down at the bottom of the ocean for a good two minutes before (y/n) said it was safe to go back up. We slowly floated upwards using both Baymaxes for support. "That. Was. Awesome!!!" I thought I heard Fred yell but when I turn around it was really (y/n).

"How was that awesome?!" Wassabi asked yelling a bit. "We dove in water to escape from a villain, wait now that I think about it. What villain just goes away without checking to see if their victims are dead?" (Y/n) questioned.

"Such a stupid move." Kori laughed. "You guys are more weirder than I thought." I said quite loudly, "Oh really?" Kori countered, "Guys let's not try to start anything while we're in the ocean." Tadashi swam passed us.

"Where do we go then?" Honey Lemon asked, "I know a place!" Fred said kinda excited, "Lead the way." Wassabi said.

A few minutes later~

"Fred where are we going?" Gogo asked, "To my house, duh!" He replied, "I thought you lived under a bridge." She replied, I couldn't help but snort at the remark. "Welcome Mi Casa! That's French for front door." Honey Lemon flinched, "It's really not..." "Fred this isn't funny why'd you bring us here." Gogo said.

The front door then opened, "Ahh, master Frederick (I think lol) Welcome home." This butler said, "Heathcliff! My man! Gimmie some!" Fred fist bumped him and went inside, Baymax who we rejoin gave him a fist bump too but that ended in "balalalala"

"This is your house?" Honey L asked, "My parents but they're on vacation. Private island, we should all go sometime." We walked to a door and as we entered we knew for a fact this was definitely Fred's house. "Oh boy..." Gogo sighed.

I instantly sat down at a desk and started drawing a picture, "Your temperature is has decreased, let me warm you." Baymax said as he layed down on me, "Baymax split again." Kori said so he could heat up her, (y/n) and Tadashi. "Does this symbol look familiar to you guys?" I asked as I showed them the picture of the bird.

"Yeah! It's a bird!" Fred exclaimed, "No does it represent anything, when that man turn around he had a symbol like this being carried by my microbots." I explained, "Yeah actually it does." Kori said, "Really?" "Yeah Krei Tech's symbol." She said as a matter if factly.

"That makes so much sense!" Fred then shouted excitedly, "What does?" I asked, he then tossed us all comic books. "Get to the point already!" Gogo shouted kinda frustrated, "I can guarantee that the guy under that mask is non other than," he turned on his television,"Alister Krei!" We pretty much looked at him like he was crazy.

"Look, he wanted your microbots but you didn't give them to him." That makes sense now, "But we don't know for sure. In fact we know nothing about him." Tadashi said, the Baymaxes started to explain someone's blood type and whatnaut.

"Wait you scanned him?!" I asked excitedly, "It is my job to scan all my patients." He then showed his full analysis in the masked man. "This is great! Now I just have to scan everyone in San Fransokyo!" I said excitedly, "Um except that would take for um I don't know ever." Gogo replied.

"I just have to upgrade Baymax's sensors." I said, "In fact I have to upgrade you all." "Pause you're not thinking what I think you are." Tadashi asked, "Yes I am." I replied, "It's too dangerous!" He countered, "Um from what just happened, I think we can handle this guy." I said pointing to Kori and (y/n).

Fred exclaimed, "We're going to be superheroes, this is going to be awesome!!!"

Coincidence? I think not! (Hiro Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now