Chapter 10: Get away from him

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Bee, Nate and I walk to school when Tiffany and Lizzie ran up to us. The were panting and gasping for breath.

"J-Joey, came out!"

"And Grazer's group of people are beating him up!"

A thousand things ran throughout mind.

"Where are they?" I saw with my teeth gritted

"Back of the gym, why?"

"I'm tired of them hurting my friends."

I reach into my bag and pull out the sleek black switchblade my uncle gave me.

"And I'm going to end this once and for all."

I take off running, my knuckles turning white from holding on to the blade so tight. As I approach the gym, I hear screams of pain, and offensive name calling. I turn the corner and I see my newest friend being beaten for being himself.

"Get away from him!"

Grazer turns around, and I see he wasn't doing the beating, his clones were.

"Look what we have here, what are you going to do cry me do death?"

Guess he took the rejection badly. I pull out the switchblade, and open it.

"Now back away from him before I take matters into my own hands."

Seeing the blade the guys quickly back off.

"Now if I EVER catch you harassing one of my friend, I will not hesitate."

I walk up slowly to Grazer, so close I can feel the fear coming off him. I raise the blade to his cheek, and make a clean cut. I feel his breath break, as I hold the blade to his neck.

"This is what happens when you mess with the friends of insane girl!"

I push him back, and him and the other guys take off running. I turn back to see my friends crouching next to Joey, with fear in their eyes. I ignore them and my attention goes to Joey.

"T-Thanks." He says and than he passes out.

Time skipppppppp

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Why hello there everyone. Haha get it. Sorry for the no update, school. They way, thank you all for over 300 reads. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Sorry im so weird.

I hope you enjoyed the story, and don't be afraid to comment.

Love you all


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