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Ur fit for this chapter

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Ur fit for this chapter...

Date: 1st March 2016...

*Y/n's pov*

I've been a trainee for almost 3 yrs now. I work hard everyday trying to be more good so that I can debut.

Right now I was practicing my dance in front of our coach with other trainees.

Getting tired was an understatement coz I'll overwork myself that much that I'll pass out every time and get scolded by my brothers.

I was dancing on the song 'dope' by bts aka my brothers.

No one knows it except Bang pd nim.

As I finished the last part. Someone entered in the practice room.

I breathed heavily and took my water bottle from the stand and started drinking it.

The assistant of bang pd nim was standing there. He smiled when he saw me.

I smiled too and bowed down to show respect.

Assistant Chan:"How r u y/n?"

Y/n:"I'm fine mr.chan! How abt u?"

Assistant Chan:"Haha I'm fine too! Btw mr.bang is calling u in his office rn"

I frowned in confusion but nodded and bowed to all the ppl present in the room and exit it to go towards bang pd's office.

I reached there and knocked on the door. Soon I heard a faint come in.

I opened the door and got inside. I bowed to bang pd nim and closed the door behind me carefully.

He smiled at me and told me to sit on thr chair infront of him.

I nodded and sat down on the chair...

Y/n:"Soo uhm pd nim wht do u wanna discuss with me?"

Pd nim:"Ahh that uk u've been a trainee in big hit since 3 yrs...So I've decided something abt ur further future plans"

My mind went blank...Am I not enough? Is pd nim gonna send me to another company?

I came out of my thoughts when suddenly he started speaking again.

Pd nim:"I've decided abt ur debut as a soloist..."

My eyes widened and I was just jungshook.

Y/n:"I-uhm w-wht?"

He laughed fondly and spoke again,

Pd nim:"U r gonna debut in 1 month y/n"

My eyes started sweating. I was beyond happy hearing this.

My hard work paid off.

I stood up and bowed to pd nim alot of times and jumped around the room squealing!

Y/n:"I'm gonna be a soloist! Soloist! Yayyyyyyyyyy!"

Bang pd nim just watched me silently smiling...

ΔTwitter postΔ

@Bighit entertainment

@Bighit entertainment

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Caption: Coming soon....


Btsforlife: Omg omg! It's happening! Like srsly! New soloist or something?! It's coming!

Love yourself: AHHH SHE LOOKS SO PRETTY! Bighit why u so shy? Show us the whole pick! Don't hide that beautiful eyes of that girl!

Monnierap: Looking forward to it! I'm really excited!

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