•♡Getting Hate and Fainting (pt.1)♡•

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Requested by: AV_Fanfiction cutie_kookie_404
(Warning⚠: This chap will contain some triggering scenes. So if u feel uncomfortable than I request u to not read this)
(Date: 19/12/18)

*Y/n's pov*

I lay on my bed lifelessly as I stared at the ceiling blankly. Tears streaming down my face.

I sobbed as I looked at the hate comments I've been getting these days.

I sobbed as I curled up in a ball. I got up as my phone vibrated. I looked at it.

My manager had dmed telling me to come to the company for the dance and vocal practice.

I sighed and got up heading towards my bathroom. I pick out a long sleeved dance fit and changed into it.

I didn't wanted to show my scars to everyone. And as it was winter no one would even mind it or notice it.

I washed my face and made a ponytail.

I wore my sneakers and got out of the dorm and getting into the car, as the driver drove off to the company.

I wore my sneakers and got out of the dorm and getting into the car, as the driver drove off to the company

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(ur dance fit)


(Time skip)

*Y/n's pov*

I was tired. Tired from this cruel world. I breathed heavily.

I sat on the cold floor tiredly after doing the dance practice continuously for almost 6 hours.

I gulped down the water which was in my water bottle.

I was hungry but thought of starving myself coz my fans think that I'm getting a lil chubby these days.

I want to look the best in front of them. The plus point of my starving idea was that oppas r'nt here.

Yup! They r in America for their m/v shooting and interviews.

They didn't knew abt the hate I was getting nor knew that I was depressed.

It's good. All r too busy...who would even care if they got to know abt it.

I sadly chuckled.

I got up and grabbed my mini backpack. I exit the dance room.

Before getting in my car I grabbed a small bottle of lemonade to keep me energized.


Time skip at the dorm:

*Y/n's pov*

I sat on my bathrooms cold floor restless with a blade in my hand making an art on my body.

I call it art! My art! I carved it so beautifully on my thighs. I  stood up and looked at the body length mirror.

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