•♡Y/n's relationship with her brothers♡•

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~Here u will get to know abt
y/n's relationship with her brothers and some moments of them together!

Jin and Y/n:

-When u put this both siblings together they would be absolute goofballs and crackheads!

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-When u put this both siblings together they would be absolute goofballs and crackheads!

-Jin has practically raised her...bcoz since childhood their celebrity parents would be busy with their shootings and stuffs so as Jin being the eldest would always take care of the maknaes...

-He loves feeding her and always makes sure she is ok and eats food on time...

-Y/n loves his dad jokes! She would always laugh out even if it is hillariously wierd!

-Y/n is jin's princess!

-One of the moments=

<Jk- "Hyung who is ur fav sibling?!"
<Jin- "Y/-I can't choose a fav sibling! I love all of u equally!"
<Tae- "Hyung u just said y/n-"
<Jin- "Ok! In my defense! Atleast she laughs at my dad jokes! Not like u ungrateful brats!!"


▄Namjoon and Y/n:

-Since childhood Namjoon has always been y/n's no

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-Since childhood Namjoon has always been y/n's no.1 role model and inspiration.

-She always looked up to him from his studies to his song producing skills.

-Joon adores and loves his sister alot! He would always spoil her with his love and care just like her other brothers!

-Y/n is joon's butterfly!

-One of the moments=

•In the mall•

<Y/n- "Oppa I want this plushy! And can we take this chocolates too!"
<Namjoon- "No baby...Hyung would get angry-"
<Y/n- "Pwease"*puppy eyes*
<Namjoon- "N-no....aish!! Ok!! Lets go and buy this too! Its a secret just between us ok?!!"
<Y/n- *grinning widely* "okei opppaaaa"

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