•♡Getting hate and fainting (pt.2)♡•

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*Bts's pov*

We all sat on the couch devastated from the news which doc gave us. It was really hard for us to take in all this info.

Our precious baby sister was in depression she was fighting all alone till now and we didn't even knew abt it.

Our vision got blurred as tears rolled down our eyes. We all have taken care of her since childhood and saw her becoming a big beautiful girl.

She is our everything! She is our life. Wht if thoughts were running inside our head.

Like wht if we wouldn't had came on time? To meet her? She would have ended her life!!

Jin: "My baby was suffering from like a month and I didn't even knew abt it! I'm such a bad brother!!"

Jimin: "No hyung! Don't blame urself! We all were busy with our comeback that we forgot how hard it had became for y/n. She shows everyone that she is strong! But she is not. She is soft from inside...she can't handle this much things at a time...idol life is so hard and we know that too right?"

Jk: "HYUNG'S!! Y/n is awake! She is crying!"

We all got up and rushed towards her room.

As we all entered inside the scene infront us broke our heart into millions of pieces.

Our heart aches seeing her cry.
Jin hyung rushed towards her and embraced her.

Jin: "My princess! Wht happened bby?!"

Y/n: "I-I'm s-sry...I p-promised u all that when u all r a-away I'll t-take care o-of m-myself but I c-couldn't"

Our eyes softened.

Y/n: "I failed! Its hard! Its really hard! This world is really cruel! I tried to accept myself! B-but why can't they?! I tried to ignore them! B-but I c-couldn't!"

She spoke as she cried harder!

Yoongi: "Bby they r just jealous of u! All praise u for ur beauty, talent etc etc they get jealous thinking why can't they be in ur position? As they can't do that! They spread negativity abt u all around the world! But ur fans! Ur lovelies r always here for u! U didn't see the way they defended u! The way they tried to protect u! U just saw the negative side and not the positive side!"

Jimin: "We were like this when we  debuted too and uk that right? I remember how I starved myself bcoz haters called me fat chubby and wht not! But now I grew up to love myself for the way I'm! Don't think abt them! Ik it's hard coz we r humans and we tend to hurt ourselves almost immediately bcoz of world's harsh comments!"

Namjoon: "Let's try to ignore them eventually and gradually we will overcome this situation together! Ok?!"

Namjoon forwarded his hand and Y/n grabbed it hugging him tightly like a koala.

Soon we all hugged eachother and cuddled on the bed. It was the best feeling ever!

Jin: "Now u morons! Come on! Let's go and make some delicious and tasty food for my baby! NO! Namjoon! U r'nt allowed in the kitchen! I remember the way u almost burnt down whole house that one time!"

Namjoon whined as Y/n giggled seeing her brothers bickering and everything got back to its place eventually.


Hiii there! I hope the readers who requested this chap were satisfied! I'm really if u r'nt satisfied! Btw hru all? I hope u all r doing fine! Tc and love yaaaa! 💜💜

Hiii there! I hope the readers who requested this chap were satisfied! I'm really if u r'nt satisfied! Btw hru all? I hope u all r doing fine! Tc and love yaaaa! 💜💜

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