•♡First Fan meet♡•

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Ur fit,hair and make up for this chap

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Ur fit,hair and make up for this chap...
Date: 10th March 2017

*Y/n's pov*

I'm soo excited and really energetic today as I'm gonna meet lovelies in person for the first timeeee!!


I got inside the small car. Then the car drove off to the destination where I'm gonna meet lovelies!

I entered the hall as we reached there and got inside the make up room.

The stylist fixed my make up and hair a lil bit once again and fixed my attire so I can look representable.

I then happily skipped to the stage where my seat was placed with a table infront.

I stepped on the stage and smiled at the crowd. I was shocked to see so many ppl.

They all were having posters of my random pics and were holding the album:Breathe which was released just some weeks ago.

There must be 60-70 ppl in the room.

I smiled and sat on the chair. I took the mic which was placed on the table.

"Waah soo many lovelies r here!"

"How r u alll?"

There were heard alot of shouts of 'I'm good' 'I'm fine' etc etc....

"So now let's start the meetingg"

They all cheered and soon the fan meet started.

One by one lovelies will come to the stage and talk with me for 5 mins and then I'll sign their album and sadly say good bye to them.

One small 5-6 yr old boy came and sat in front of me.

I cooed at him and took the album from him to sign it.

Y/n:"Hi small baby wht's ur name!"

He smiled cutely and said,

???:"Hi noona! My name is Jungwon but u can call me wonnie!"

Y/n:"Aww sure Wonnie!"

Jungwon:"I wanted to tell u something!"

I looked at him waiting for him to continue...

He took my hand in his. I awwed once again at how soft and small his hands were.

Jungwon:"I want to say that...."

He took something out from his pocket.

He gave it to me. I took it and looked at it to see my favourite chocolate and a red rose.

Y/n:"Awww Thank u wonnie! Btw wht do u wanna tell me?"

Jungwon:"When I'll become a big boy I'll marry u! I promise!"

I looked at him shocked! But soon laughed at his cuteness.

Y/n:"Sure! I'll wait for u wonnie! Byeeeee"

I said and bent a little forward and kissed his cheeks. He kissed my cheek too and then ran off.

I smiled and continued signing the albums of other lovelies and talked with them.

Soon the fan meet came to an end and I was really sad as I still want to talk to them.

I said bye to all of them and bowed to the crowd and got off the stage with my hands filled with snacks and drinks which I got from them.

The plushies r also really cute and squishy!

I loved to meet them for the first time! I hope I can meet them more in the future just like this.

After all the things were done. I got back to the dorm and took a rest for awhile as from tomorrow I've a tight schedule.

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