•♡10 questions with y/n♡•

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Ur fit,make up and hair for this chap

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Ur fit,make up and hair for this chap...
Date: 15th April 2017...

*Y/n's pov*

I'm sitting here on the stool staring at the camera which is in front of me.

Soon I heard start and I smiled directly at the camera.

The interviewer sitting beside me on another stool started speaking.

Interviewer:"So as u all can see! The rising soloist kim y/n is here with us! In 10 questions show! (lol I just made up a random name-)

The camera again diverted it's direction on me.

I waved with a small smile.

Interviewer:"So let's start with the questions,shall we?"

I nodded slightly clapping my hands in excitement.

Interviewer:"So the first question is that! Wht is Ur favourite food?!"

Y/n:"Uhhh it's hard but I love cheese tteobokki and spicy ramen alot!!"

I said while smiling.

Interviewer:"Waah same! But sadly I can't tolerate too much Spicyness!"

Interviewer:"Ok so now next question! Who is ur favourite western or pop singer u look up to or like to listen to their songs?"

Y/n:"Uhh I love Dua lipa,lil nas x,selena gomez,camilla cabello!,then...post malone etc etc!"

Interviewer:"I see! Now next question! Who's ur role model?"

Y/n:"Oh it's Namjoon sunbaenim from Bts! The way he controls all the members and the way he does all the responsibilities as an leader! It makes me wanna be just as independent as him and just like him! His inspiring thoughts and etc!"

Interviewer:"Ohhh cool! Now 4th question! When r u gonna release a new song?!"

Y/n:"Haha soon! ;-)"

Interviewer:"Ohk! Now 5th question! R u in a relationship?!"

Y/n:"Uhhh no I'm not! My company doesn't want me to date and I don't want to date! I want to focus on my career!"

Interviewer:"Hmmm good! Now the next 5 questions r asked by ur fans aka lovelies!"

Y/n:"Oh! Omg I'm excited!"

Interviewer:"So the 6th quetion is asked by 'y/n'swife': Spicy food or sweet food?!"

Y/n:"The username is dope! And Uhmm that's a hard question! But I'll go with spicy food!"

Interviewer:"Ok nice! Now 7th question is by 'gayfory/n': When r u gonna do a concert?"

Y/n:"Oh uhm srsly I myself don't know coz like u should ask this to my agency!"

I said while giggling...

Interviewer:"Haha yh! Now 8th question is by 'booy/n': Wht's ur fav junk food?!"

Y/n:"Oh I love french fries,noodles and donuts!"

I said while smiling widely...

Interviewer:"Oh I love donuts too! And now 9th question is by 'Ilovemyself♡': Wht's ur spirit animal?!"

Y/n:"Uhh it's red panda!"

Interviewer:"Ok! Now the 10th and the last question is by 'Btsxy/n': Wht's ur fav colour?"

Y/n:"Uhh I love purple,black,beige and pastel colors alot!"

Interviewer:"Ok so that's it for today ppl! I hope u enjoyed watching this small interview with kim y/n! See u in another episode byeeee!"

I waved my hands with a smile and showed finger hearts to the camera and winked afterwards.

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