•♡Knowing bros♡•

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Ur fit,hair and make up

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Ur fit,hair and make up...


*Y/n's pov*

I entered the classroom as all the cast smiled and cheered for me.

I smiled and bowed to them.

Ho-Dong: Omoooo u r so pretty in person!!

Y/n: Haha thank you! U urself r not that bad!

All others laughed except ho-dong...

Hee-chul: Waahhh her personality is really good! I like her already!!

Ho-dong: Ok! Jokes aside! Everyone today! Kim Y/n a rising soloist from big-hit is here! So lets all welcome her and start our todays show!

All clapped.

I was now standing near the blackboard and infront was the desk where water bottles were kept!

Ho-dong: Ok!! So let's start! Y/n-ie we all r gonna ask u some questions today! U ready?!

Y/n: Yes! I'm ready!

Ho-dong: Ok! So here is the first question! I heard that u have siblings is that true?!

Y/n: Uhhh haha yh?

Kyung-hun: Ohhhh

Ho-dong: Ok! Now next question!
You r the first female soloist under bighit lables! Do u like get treated differently?

Y/n: uhmmm no I don't I'm treated just like how the other artists r treated...

Hee-chul: Ok! Next question! How r u so gorgeous!? How do u feel abt it?!

Y/n:*blushes slightly* hahaha! No! I'm not so different from other girls! And I think beauty isn't the main thing! We should see the talent more! I think all r beautiful and handsome in their own way!

Jang-hoon: Waahhh u r saying facts here! Nice thoughts!

The show continued with laughter and fun! And more & more questions asked here and there...

*time skip at the end of the show*

Ho-dong: Ok! So now sadly its time to say goodbye to y/n...So lets end todays show with y/n's mini performance on her new song 'Gashina'!!!

*after the performance*

Y/n: Thanks alot! I had alot of fun today! *bowing*

Whole cast: Bye bye! See u in the next episode!!

Idk wht I wrote here lol-Sry if something got wrong! I tried to make this chap as much as good I can!

Hope u all like it! It took me a week to make this chap as my last 2 braincells were not helping me in thinking a noice idea!

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