•♡Hang out with Lisa♡•

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Lisa and ur fit for this chap

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Lisa and ur fit for this chap...
Date: 30th May 2017...

*Y/n's pov*

I wore my shoes and then took my bag and locked my dorm. I excitedly pulled up my mask over my face and put a bucket hat on and wore sunglasses to cover my eyes.

I wanted to freely go around but being an idol just makes it hard. Anygays now let's goooooo!!

I walked down the street with my sling bag hanging on my left shoulder.

I took out my phone as I heard a ding.

I saw a msg from lisa! I quickly opened it and read the msg...

Lisa:Bae! I'm at xxxxx bus stop come here! It's just like some miles away from ur dorm!

Y/n:Ok! I'll be there in a min! See yaa~;-)

I then rushed to the bus stop as fast as I can. I saw her sitting at the stand waiting for me.

I go towards her and side hug her. She looks at me and smiled at me widely under her mask!

I smiled too!

Lisa:"Let's go?!"

I nodded and we both got inside the bus which just arrived!

We both sat at the last seat of the bus and started talking abt where to go next.

We at last decided to go to the new cafe which just got opened a couple of weeks ago.

Soon our destination came and we got off the bus.

We entered the cafe and go to the table where no one can see us.

It was safe as there were soo many ppl inside the cafe today.

We took a seat. And ordered some coffee and snakes for ourselves.

Y/n:"Sooo I saw the pics of ur new dorm which u had sent me some days ago! It's sooo beautiful! Ur room is also cool!!"

Lisa:"Hehe Ikr! Yg nim gave us the permission to design our rooms by ourselves!"

Y/n:"Waah cool!!"

We continued talking until our orders came and we started devouring it like hungry fishes.

Y/n:"Sooo uhmm now where should we go??"

Lisa:"Let's go for shopping! I've to buy some night skin care products for me and jisoo unnie!"

Y/n:"Oh then sure! Let's goooooo!!"

We both wore our masks and go to the nearest mall.

We goofed around and had alot of fun.

We took alot of pics and took some pics in photo booths too!

After shopping we headed to the beach (bitch?) and relaxed there while eating our ice creams.

Today's day was one of the happiest and best day!♡♡


*The pics u both took*

*The pics u both took*

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Sorry for the delay of the chap! The pics were taking a long ass time in getting downloaded!!≥﹏≤____________________________________

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Sorry for the delay of the chap! The pics were taking a long ass time in getting downloaded!!≥﹏≤

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