•♡Incorrect Quotes #5♡•

388 19 19

Jimin: I learned that if u say uwu
after something it becomes nicer.

Taehyung: U r my soulmate Jimin, Uwu

Namjoon: U guys get in my nerves, uwu

Jin: I agree with joonie, uwu

Hobi: U guys r the best, uwu

Suga: Murder should be legal, uwu

Y/n: I agree with yoongi oppa, uwu

Everyone except y/n and suga: .....


<On the phone>

Lisa: I put a little note in ur bag to tell u that I love u.

Y/n: Lisa, this is a fifteen page letter...

Lisa: ...

Y/n: ...

Lisa: And wht abt it?


Y/n: Sooo Oppa! Wht r u getting me for my birthday?!

Jungkook: U see that purple Lamborghini there?

Y/n: Yeeeessssss!!

Jungkook: I'm gonna get u a toothbrush that colour.

Y/n: ....💀


Y/n: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.

Y/n: And I started thinking

Y/n: like it was just trying to get food...

Y/n: wht if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck.

Y/n: how would I feel :-(

Tzuyu: R u ok?


Y/n: U were sooo drunk last night!

Taehyung: no I wasn't!

Y/n: U started cutting pinnespples at 3am while yelling "stop hiding spongebob! Ik u r in there!"

Taehyung: ...

Taehyung: but did I found him tho?


Jimin: for someone who's 70% water you don't look refreshing...

Jk and y/n: BUUURRRNNN

Namjoon: ....water cannot be burned

Jk and Y/n:



Y/n: Wht if the person who named walkie talkies named everything?

Tzuyu: Pregnancy test r maybe babies.

Lisa: Socks r feetie heaties.

Ryujin: Forks r stabby grabbies.

Tzuyu: Defribrillators r heartie starties.

Lisa: Nightmares r dreamy screamies.

Ryujin: Stamps r lickie stickies.

Bambam: u all r dissapoiments...

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