•♡Incorrect quotes #2♡•

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Y/n: Awww oppa u r sooo cute!!
*says while pinching yoongi's cheeks*

Yoongi: Wht did u just do?

Y/n: It's called affection...

Yoongi: Disgusting! Do it again!


Lisa: *fast forwards all the way through a movie*

Y/n: You can't just skip to the happy ending!

Lisa: I don't have time for problems...


Y/n: Why would I date a demon? Simple, the status. Imagine you and your friends arriving at the gates of hell, they are all crying scared to death for eternity and you just walk into the arms of your demon bf, legendary!

Bambam: Its 3 am wtf!?!?

Tzuyu: no continue...you have a point!


Jungkook: I'm not a pushover!

Taehyung: Y/n told you she loved you and you gave her all the money you had in your pocket!

Jungkook: She told me she loved me! I wanted to cry. Like you can talk.

Taehyung: Wht r you talking abt?

Jungkook: Y/n just smiled and you started crying and took her on a shopping spree!

Taehyung: *pulls out a picture of y/n from his pocket* like look at that smile, how can I not want to spoil that baby!

Yoongi: You both r weak...

Y/n: Yoonie oppa!!

Yoongi: *Hands over his debit card*

Y/n: Thank you!

Yoongi: Like I was saying, weak!!


Ryujin: Wht do u think would hurt more, being stabbed or being shot?

Y/n: Idk ryu...

Ryujin: Wanna find out?




Y/n: Sure!!


Namjoon: You're late!

Y/n: And you're stunning!

Namjoon: *blushes furiously* you're forgiven...


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