•♡Iconic and famous lines said by y/n♡•

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"The more u weigh,the harder u r to kidnap. So stay safe! Eat cake!"


"A girl should be like a butterfly. Pretty to see,hard to catch!"


"I can sleep anywhere and everywhere"


"Girl~Ur potential is endless"


"If chocolates were homosapiens I would gladly marry them!"


"Uhm I'm not single I'm in a really toxic relationship with maths"


"The one who hates you, actually hates themselves cause hatred starts with ur inner thoughts"


"It's ok if u don't like me, not everyone has good taste"


"I like coffee just as how I like myself: Dark, bitter and too hot for u"


"Your size isn't a book so don't judge it!"


"I love plushies coz whenever I get angry I squeez them to death and then when my Anger is gone I cry remembering at how I squeezed this adorable plush" (A/n: I do that too-😑)


"You're just like math...I hate math"


"I love~ I love~ I love food more than myself!!"


"Uk every woman bleeds through their vagina's every mf month..."


"Uk wht's the most saddest thing in this world? That dinosaur's can't blow candles on their birthday" *continue's crying*


"All my life I thought air was free...until I bought a bag of chips"


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