Confrontation of a Friend

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A/N: Hello, everyone! I know it's been FOREVER since I've updated this, and for that I am truly sorry, but I hope this new chap will make it up to you. Thank you all so much for your patience and support! Don't forget to leave a review!

It didn't take long for Shadow to find out where Knuckles and Sonia had wandered off to. They had chosen a cozy spot next to a large waterfall he had come across yesterday, and all they were doing was sitting on the bank of the glade.

From what he could hear, they were simply catching up on a lot of lost time and enjoying each other's company. Of course, if the conversation turned to things of the more romantic nature, then he and the red buffoon would be having words... or fists, he didn't really care. Knuckles may be the guardian of the Master Emerald, but he was still miles away from being worthy of his baby sister.

Was he being overprotective? Absolutely not, just logically cautious.

The sound of leaves rustling snapped the ebony hedgehog out of his plans for terrifying an unsuspecting echidna, and crimson eyes glanced up to find the one he had truly been looking for.

On one of the higher limbs of a massive oak, Rouge stayed just within hearing range of the couple's conversation, and Shadow could see one of her large white ears twitching every now and then as a frown marred her face.

Why does there always have to be so much drama? Shadow wondered absently, Maybe Manic was right about this place being filled with "bad vibes." He would know.

With a muttered chaos command, Shadow teleported just behind his partner, who had yet to notice him. A sly smirk grew on his tan muzzle. It wasn't often one could sneak up on the femme fatale.

"I understand that spying on people is kind of what we do, but what do you hope to gain from this reconnaissance mission?"

Rouge was barely able to suppress a shriek of fright as she whirled around to face him. Topaz eyes went from frightened to murderous.

"What do you think you're doing?" she hissed in a low whisper. Shadow leaned against the trunk of the tree nonchalantly, his medallion thumping against his chest with the action.

"I could ask you the same thing, but I think I know the answer."

Rouge scoffed, "Then why are you even here?"

"For you," he replied simply, "I doubt either of them would appreciate it if they find you watching them from a tree. It wouldn't exactly be your most glamorous moment, and neither would you throwing that smoke bomb you have hidden in your palm," he added offhandedly.

Rouge schooled her emotions and hid them behind a coy, if slightly bored, mask as she shifted her weight from one hip to the other. She also discreetly pocketed the smoke pellet she had been hoping to throw to disrupt the cute scene going on down below them.

   "Whatever, Shadow," she snorted and checked her nails absently. "It was just going to be a bit of fun. A killjoy like you wouldn't understand."

    Her tone gave away exactly what she was feeling, and Shadow didn't need telepathy to know that she was hurting far more than she let on. But the greatest hint of all was that she actually called him by his name. The normal Rouge would have batted her eyes and given some teasing comment or nickname to direct him away from the topic of conversation.

So without warning, he grabbed her hand and chaos controlled them to the top of the waterfall. Shadow risked a glance over his shoulder, making sure that he could still keep an eye on the unsuspecting couple down below before he turned his gaze to a scowling Rouge. She was used to teleporting with him, but she was definitely still upset about it.

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