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The ninja and Grace landed in the front of a small house in the village. They had decided to bring Grace along since her father had no idea where she was. Grace stood up shakily after the Treader Assault transformed back into the scythe.
"Oh," she murmured, shaking her head. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that."
Cole opened a briefcase and gestures towards the other ninja. They came forward with their weapons.
"Oh but no mortal should hold all four," Jay warned with a smirk. Cole sighed.
"I told you, we need to keep these hidden. I don't want my dad wondering why I carry a golden scythe
around with me.
They walked up to the door and knocked. A man with black hair and grey eyes opened the door with a troubled look on his face. When he saw Cole he hugged him immediately.
"Cole! I'm glad you're here! I assume you've heard?"
"That Grace was kidnapped?" Cole replied. The man nodded.
"Well, we fixed that problem." He gestured behind him. Grace poked her head out from the back of the group and waved shyly. The man's face instantly brightened.
Grace ran into his arms.
"Oh yeah, before I forget," Cole piped up. "Everyone, this is my dad, Lou."
"Hello son, who did you bring, a quartet? Come in! Come in!"

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