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I'm so so sorry I took so long to update! I've just been having a lot going on.

"The blade cup?" Lou raised an eyebrow at this. "You can't just get it. You have to earn it."

Grace hopped up from the couch. "This is a talent competition. You know, like singing, dancing, etc. I suppose you have experience in those departments?"

"Of course!" Jay piped up. "I mean, we go to a school for things like that, hehe...right?"

"Excellent!" Lou grinned and held a hand to his ear. "Now, let's hear the sweet, sweet sound of harmony."

The boys all looked at each other nervously. Then Jay jumped up and started singing, followed by Kai and Zane, while Cole just face palmed. Lou cringed and Grace rubbed her fingers to her temples.

Cole got up and walked to his father. "Look dad, we just need the trophy."
"Yeah!" Kai jumped in. "We're bringing home the gold and we want you to train us."

"I've never been more proud," Lou started. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to write a song about my feelings." With that, he went into the other room and shut the door.

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