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"Thank you so much, Spiderwoman!"

"Hey, it's no problem,"

"Miss, just a few questions!"

"Sorry folks, I have an impatient gal waiting for me at home,"

Once you've spoken about your girlfriend the media goes crazy. It was hilarious of them to try and find out her identity when they've never even seen yours!

Instead of entertaining them longer, you swung back home and away from the camera. For context, in this universe, you're Spider-woman. Not Gwen, not any Peter Parker Variant, just you.

Though, once you got home, exhaustion hit you like a ship. You were tired, and guilty. You weren't able to spend that much time at all with Sylvie. 

You knew she had went into your apartment, mainly because there was a figurine on your desk. She regularly brings you these gifts from her adventures. 

Though, for reassurance, she had left you a note saying;

   "Y/N, I know lately you've been busy with your work, so have I with my own.
Once we're both free, why dont we talk about our future dates. I'd love for some quality time with you. Maybe in Paris? I heard it was romantic.. 

Yours truly, Sylvie.."

You smiled at this short letter. The golden question was, how did you meet her? 

In short, your universe was accident-prone, there's a lot of accidents happening and you were taking responsibility to fix what you could.

The TVA didn't pay much attention, they weren't worried. And with that thought, Sylvie came here as hiding from her regular duties, specifically, running away. She wanted a vacation, which was you. 

You welcomed her in your apartment with open arms, and food since she was starving. Eventually, the visits became more frequent, and your friendship blossomed into somthing much more. 

"Spider-woman, yet again!" Television sparks of entertainment with your name, it was nice to see appreciation from folks, "Say, Stan here saw her with his eyes. What would you say about her?" 

You flopped on your bed after having some time for yourself. Cleaning, tending some tears in your suit, whatever you could do. But still, you couldn't brush off this eerie feeling. 

Something bad was about to happen.."Well, you can trust me when I say that she's amazing! You should've seen her flips. I'm really proud to have her, as we all are," 

Your tired eyes just couldn't flutter shut from this feeling, a hole in your chest as you kept on watching the news.

And as you expected, something bad happened, and it started with a golden door and Sylvie immediately rushing through, "Oh my God!" 

"Y/n, shush! You're gonna wake up your neighbors," She puts a finger on her lips, rolling your blinds down, collapsing on your bed. 

"Sylvie, you're bleeding. Stop telling me to shush, woman!" You whisper-yelled, standing up in a rush to find some medical supplies. 


After tending her big wounds, you moved on to the smaller ones, rather the one on her cheek. It was a deep scratch, but an easy fix.

"It's a shame to ruin a pretty face like this," Sylvie rolls her eyes from your comment, but a smile either way. She was relieved to know you cared for her, "I dont want you to do those stunts again, ever,"

"It's not that bad.." 

"Are you kidding? There's a huge gash on your shoulder," 

"Yeah, nothing much," She puts a hand on your cheek after you've shaken your head from her being stubborn, "Don't worry, dear. It's not that bad. I'm a Goddess, I'll do fine," 

"I just can't stand to see you so wounded all the time. I want you to be safe," She hummed, her lips reaching to connect with yours. An innocent peck to show how greatful she was to be with you. 

Once the kiss parts, unfortunately, she whispered again, "I'm doing this so we can finally be left alone," 

You sighed, "There's nothing I can do to convince you to be more careful, huh?" 


"Well..I guess I should change the subject," You went back to cleaning the cut while her arms are around your waist, "How about that date in paris?" 




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