Paper Rings

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Sylvie ran into your room with her hand enclosing a velvet box, "Y/N!" Starting from kids you two were close. Inseparable, even. Wherever you would go she'd follow and vice versa.

"Sylvie, would you like to play kingdom?"

It was a game you two had made up. She was a Valkyrie serving Asgard, while you were the queen she was 'destined' to protect.

"Of course -- but wait," She sat beside you, more joy in her steps than you usually saw, "I asked my father if we could have matching rings, he told me that it was too scandalous," You frowned at that, "So, I made my own rings made of paper,"

She tossed you the velvet box she was clutching, almost begging for you to open it. She was bouncing in her seat as you opened the box. 

It was heartwarming to say to say the least. Knowing she made it herself made it more meaningful. 

It had texts on the paper from different languages. You weren't sure what it meant until you saw the front with a heart, 'I love you,' it said. 

"Awh, Sylvie.." You wore it with a smile. Still, as children you both hadn't got an idea of emotions whether it to be platonic or romantic, "I love it! But what if it breaks?" 

She looked left and right before lenaing to your ear, "Don't tell mom, but..I secretly looked to her spellbook and added this spell," 

"Oh- What's it called?" 

"..I forgot," You laughed, "Sorry," 

"It's alright," You pushed yourself to her side a bit closer. Her ring already on her finger while yours the same, "Let's play, Little Valkyrie?" 

"Of course, My Queen," 


The table was awfully quiet than usual. Obviously, it was because you weren't there. Maybe if you were, this meal would have been more lively. But it was a family dinner. No friends, no other royals, but themselves. 

Odin had been waiting for a moment with Sylvie, "Sylvie, what's that on your finger?" 

"It's a promise ring," She said happily, hoping -- and maybe -- if her mood shifts from anything else than fear, it might turn his into joy too, "Y/n came up with it, so I made it," 

"Didn't I tell you not too?" She gulped, "It would cause too much ruckus about your relationship with her," 

"Dear, they're just kids," Frigga whispered. 

"If they continue to pretend they're in love then they will continue when they're older. We need her to listen, this could ruin her reputation," He snapped, "Y/n is from a small kingdom, not fit for us. Her parents and her are just a small help," 

"But, why does that give you the right to take away who I love?" Sylvie dhook her head in disbelief, bottom lip shaking. 

"You're still a child, Sylvie. You don't know a thing about love,"

"I know more than you do," 

"Don't talk back to me," 

"This isn't fair," She cried, "We're not doing anything wrong," 

"Sylvie.." His voice sounded slow, gentle, "I'm just trying to keep you safe. This relationship will be a danger to your reputation," 

She listened to her father with furrowed brows. 

"I'm doing what's best for you," 


As time grew on, you grew to be a Queen nobody could touch due to ranks, and Sylvie watched by the sidelines. 

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