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Sylvie wasn't a fool, but she feels like one as she watches your close relationship with her variant. You seem closer to them than with her, and it irked her. Through a short period of time, she had gathered an..attraction to you. At first, it was just your face, and maybe her eyes traveling around your body, but what really intrigued her was your quirks, your way of talking, walking, and especially how you smiled.

And as they sat by the train, Sylvie had her head turned sideways as she tried to get some sleep, but it was difficult. Watching as you and Loki

What was so funny?

Was he even that funny?

She could be better, she always thought.

Sylvie slowly sat up from the table as she watched Loki leave, obviously drunken. She watched how many drinks he took, and how he became a little bit too relaxed inside the train.

But her focus set aside to you. 


She stood up and walked towards you without a second thought, usually she can't come near you without her variant's protective glances, but now, she was free to do whatever. 


"Oh, Sylvie. You're awake." 

"It's hard to sleep when you're too focused on something," She went to stand in front of you and let her fingers take away that drink in your hand, "Refrain from drinking, we've got to focus on the mission." 

The mission was her priority, you were her want, "Where'd the fool go?" 

You laughed, "They're in the bathroom." 

"You wanna dance?" Sylvie hesitantly asked, even she herself was as suprised as you were. 

"Dance?" There it was, that smile that made her want to steal you from him even more, "I never thought you were the type of person to dance." 

"Is that a no?" This dance was merely an opportunity to release themselves of anxieties, atleast, that's what she told herself. 

"Did I say that?" You grinned and took her hands, swinging her onto the middle. This train was filled with people, but they too busy with their thoughts to even care about the both of you in the middle swaying. And even so, you weren't from this timeline anyway so you didn't really care. 

Your twirls slowly turned into something more relaxing, with her hands resting on your hips, and yours on her neck. You could feel tingles on your skin as she caressed it with her thumb.

"What do you like about him?" 

"Hm..?" Your brows furrowed, such a random question, "Who's he?" 

"Loki, my variant," She replied in a swift, her eyes seemed distant as she asked these questions, "It seems you've grown a liking to him." 

"I guess he's funny?" You chuckled, "I don't know, I never really thought about it. Why do you ask?" 

"Well, I just think that.." And as straightforward as it could be, Sylvie said, "Anything he could be, I could be better." 


"I'm just saying, Y/N. If you're really thinking they're the perfect person for you, I think you should reconsider and look at other options." 

"Like?" Your cheeks felt warm as you took halt from swaying with her, it was fairly obvious what she was implying. 

"Me," Sylvie rolled that out of her tongue with ease, her lips going close to your ear to whisper, "I can be better than him. I can treat you like a Goddess." 

Then, she left. 

You were left there stunned with red painted on your cheeks and your heart running faster than usual. 

Funny thing was, you weren't even dating Loki at all. 


This idea randomly got to my head last night. 


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