Chapter 5

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Vivianas POV

Today's my first therapy appointment, mama is picking me up from school early since mom is not able to get off since she has to go in as soon as she drops me off at school

"Sweatshirt again? Viv it's like 80 degrees outside" mom says and I shrug, I like my sweatshirts

"Just, be careful you don't overheat or something" she says and I nod as we leave the apartment

"Bye, I love you have fun" mom says

"I love you too" I say getting out of the car and walking to my first block

"Good morning Viv" Tanner says and I smile and shake my head

Tanner is in both of my first block classes and every morning he says good morning

"Good morning Tanner" i chuckle and sit at my desk

"How was your morning?" He ask

"Good" I say and shake my head again

Soon the teacher began our lesson

When it was lunch I went outside to find Jade already sat at one of the picnic tables

"Look who finally came to school" I joke and sit down with her

"Yea yea" she says

Neither of us eat lunch so we just spend our time talking

"My moms are making me go to therapy" I say

"Why?" She asked

"Honestly I don't know" I say

"I feel like all I do is fight with my mom so I'm hoping this makes her happy" I say

"What about Carina?" She ask

"Mamas like the complete opposite, we rarely argue, I don't know why me and mom do" I sigh

Not even an hour later I was leaving school

"You ready?" Mama ask and I nod

"Yep" I say and she takes us to the hospital

"Are you staying with me?" I ask her

"If you want me to then yes, but we will see what the doctor says" she says and I nod

Mama got me signed in and soo we were with the therapist

"Hi, I'm Alison" she smiles

"Viv" I reply, even though she already knew that

"So, what brings you in" she ask and i sigh, is therapy always this awkward?

"Uh... my moms thought it would be good for me to come" I say

"And why do you think they suggested it?" She ask and I look to mama

"Her  mom and I have noticed she has not been herself, she stays in her room, and tends to skip meals..." she says And I sigh

"Viv... do you think she is right?" Allison ask me

"I guess" I mumble

"But I stay in my room cause I like it and I don't purposely skip meals, I'm just not hungry" I say. Half telling the truth

"Okay.. why don't we talk alone for a little?" She suggested and mama walks out

"How are you today?" She ask

"I'm good" I tell her

"Okay, how are you feeling overall, not today but, in the past week?" She ask

"It was good" I reply

"Did you do anything interesting?" She ask

"Uh... I babysat Friday" I say

"One of my moms friends kids, she's 4" I say and she nods

"And how was that?" She ask

"It was okay, they came home later than what they said but whatever" I say and she nods

She continued to ask questions and I stayed pretty much cut off

I didn't want to give too much away

Once we were done we walked out to the waiting room and mama went back with her and came out like 15 minutes later

"You ready bambina?" She ask and I nod

"What did she say to you?" I ask

"She told me that she thinks you are holding back" she says, I really don't like therapist

"That was only the first time, I think we should keep doing it for a little before you decide that you don't want to" she says and I nod, I can do that

"You want to stop by the station or go home?" She ask

"We can go to the station" I say and she nods

Once I got out of the car Andy was at the desk and I went to hug her

"Why are you in a sweater? It's so hot today" she says

"I like them" I chuckle and she nods suspiciously but walks with me up to the beanery while mama goes into moms office

"Mini Bishop!" Everyone yells and I smile

We all talked a little and I went to my moms office

I walked in and didn't see them but heard sounds I didn't want to hear coming from her bunk and I ran into the door trying to get out

"What's going on?" Vic ask, seeing me

"They... um are busy" I say disgusted and she laughs once she gets to what I was saying

Just then to the door opens and I fall back into the room, barely caught by mom

"We we're just, um-" mom says and Vic smirks at them

"You ready bambina?" Mama ask while changing the subject and I nod

"Bye mom love you, by Vic!" I say and and me and mama head to the car

"Y'all are nasty" I say and she laughs

"Bambina sex is a natural thing, and we have been married for a very long time, I'm sure when you are ready you aren't going to think it's nasty" she says

"Mama!" I whine and she Smiles
When we got home mama made dinner and the two of us ate

"You want to watch a movie with me?" I ask

"Of course" she smiles

"In my room?" I ask

"If you want to" she says and I nod and we go to my room and got into my bed

"What did you think of therapy?" She ask

"Kinda dumb" I say and she nods

"But you're willing to keep going?" She ask and I nod

"I want to make you and mom happy so yes" I say

"Bambina, you always make us happy. You are the best thing we could have asked for" she says

"I just feel like I'm always upsetting mom" I say quietly

"You're not, she is so proud of you and she just has a rough time showing her emotions" mama says

"But trust me, you are not always upsetting her, the both of you need to work on talking it out" she says teasingly and I smile

"You're right, I'll work on it" I smile and we turn back to our movie

Once it was over we both went to shower and. I got back in bed

"I love you, goodnight" mama says

"Love you too"

Till next time❤️

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