Chapter 39

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Vivianas POV

"I need to talk to you both about Emma" I say hesitantly

I knew telling them this could mess up Emma and I but her safety was more important

"What's up love?" Mama ask and we sit on the couch

"I - um... I need you both to just be patient and do not freak out when i tell you this" I sigh

"I knew it!" Mom exclaims and I groan

"Mom! It's not about sex!" I exclaim

"Emma's dad is abusing her and she doesn't want me to tell anyone but I know he did something tonight and I don't want her getting hurt" I say quickly

"How do you know?" Mom ask

"She's told me, the day her arm was out of socket he pulled her too hard, she has has multiple marks on her face from where he has hit her, the last two times she came over she had bruises on her arms and her stomach and tonight when I called her, her whole neck was red" I tell them

"So when she came to the hospital and had a red mark it was her dad?" Mama ask and I nod

"I- I just want her to be safe" I whisper

"I understand bambina.... What do you want us to do?" Mama ask carefully and I shrug

"I don't know I just- I feel like I needed to tell you" I say

"You're right, I'm very proud of you for telling us. I know what was a hard thing to do"
Mom says and puts her arms around me

"We can contact the police and social services.... But, Emma doesn't have any other family that can take her does she?" Mom ask and I shake my head

"It's only her dad" I tell them and wipe the tears that has fallen from my eyes

"If we report this and social services does find signs of abuse Emma will be removed from her home and put into the system" mom says

"She can't- mom she will hate me" I sigh and pull away from my mom

I don't know why I told them, I knew it wouldn't have made a difference, it's not like they can do anything

"I can call an anonymous tip to a buddy I have in social services, she'll just go and check in, Emma won't know who called" mom says and I shrug

"But what if Emma gets taken?" I ask, I didn't think that far

"If she does then it's for a good reason bambina, they won't take her if they don't think it's necessary" mama says and I nod

"Can she just live with us?" I ask and moms sigh

"Emma is always welcome here, if she needs to stay for a few nights then that's okay, but legally no," mom says

"Even if we were allowed to foster her, she would be your foster sister and it's against the rules for you two to date" mom says

"I don't want that" I whisper and lean into mama

"I don't know what to do" I say and they nod

"Just let us take care of it okay bambina?" Mama says and I nod

"I promise I will make sure if anything happens Emma is safe" mom says and I nod

Moms are right. I just need to let them handle it, I know they won't let Emma get in more danger

"For now, let's just order in, I don't feel like making dinner anymore" mama chuckles

I just want Emma, I want her here, I want her safe, I need her

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