Chapter 75

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Vivianas POV

I woke up this morning with a killer headache, I went to get out of bed and noticed that there were two pills and a bottle of water on the end table

I quickly took them and drank the entire bottle of water before taking that out to the trash

My moms were already awake and sitting on the couch

"What time is it?" I ask and go over to them and lay down

"Just past 8" mama says and runs her fingers through my hair

"I don't feel good" I say and she chuckles

"Your body is not used to consuming alcohol bambina" mama says and I close my eyes

"Sorry" I say

"It's okay, I'm sure you're regretting that now anyway" she says and I nod, I must have done that too quickly because as soon as I did I got off of mama and ran to the bathroom before I got sick everywhere

Mama came in right after me and handed me another bottle of water

"I'm sorry mama" I say and she nods and rubs my back

"It's okay, I'm not mad" she says and I nod, I didn't believe her. Why wouldn't she be mad?

I washed my mouth out and returned to the couch with mom

"You feel better now?" Mom ask and I nod and lay down with my head in her lap

"I think Emma's mad at me" I say after a few minutes

"Why do you think that?" Mama ask

"Because, I called her so many times and she sent me to voicemail" I say sadly and she puts her hand on my back

"Im sure there is a reason" she says and I shrug

"Why don't you take nap? You'll feel better when you wake up" mama says and I nod and close my eyes, still resting in moms lap


When I woke back up my moms were gone and I was still on the couch, I did feel better though, I just felt hungry and a little sick now

"Mom? Mama?" I yell through the place and mama comes over to me

"What's wrong?" She ask and I shake my head

"Nothing... I just didn't know where you were" I say and she smiles

"I'm making a late breakfast" she says and I follow her and watch as she cooks

Mom came in a little later in her gym clothes and changed before sitting down with us

We all ate and mama had me help clean up with her

"Alright go change" mom tells me

"Why?" I ask

"Because, you're not in bed anymore" she says and I roll my eyes and go to change

I also found my found and seen that Gia had messaged me

Gia: Hey!! How you feel?

Viviana: better now, why did you let me do that haha

Gia: I tried to stop you! , we're your moms mad?

Viviana: surprisingly no, but I am definitely paying for it

Gia: we'll I do hope you feel better, message me later if you want to get together?

Viviana; of course!

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