Chapter 59

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Vivianas POV

Last night was bad, I woke up like twice for no reason and each time I just wanted wanted to cut

Like there was no reason in the world for it but that's what my body wanted to do, or my mind? Either way

And of course since I was literally in between my moms, mom woke up every time. I did, she has always been a light sleeper though

She didn't say anything, which I was thankful for she just played with the ends of my hair, both letting me know she was there and that she didn't want to overwhelm me again which helped and I was able to ignore everything else going on inside my head and fall back to sleep

However now, I just woke up to an empty bed, not even mine, it was my moms but I was guessing mama had already left for work and mom was somewhere getting ready

I didn't want to move, their bed was too comfy and smelled like them so it was comforting

I just laid in bed until mom came in about 5 minutes later, I guess my body is already used to waking up so early

"Good morning sunshine," mom says and I just sit up and look at her,

"Not good morning?" She chuckles and I yawn, still way too tired but if we are being honest, I'm always tired

"I'm sleepy, can I stay home?" I ask her,

"Sorry beautiful, not today." She says and I sigh. I knew it was a long shot

Once I got out of bed and dressed to go to the station mom handed me some smoothie

"Mom, I don't want this" I say

"I know how you are and I know you'll refuse to eat lunch so drink it" she says firmly and I roll my eyes but follow her out the door

"Please drink it," mom says when we get to the station after seeing I didn't even touch it

"You're being mean" I say and she laughs as we get out of the car

"So mean" she comments while smiling and I follow her in

"Hey! How did Emma do this morning? Today was her first day back right?" Tia ask coming up to us

"No idea because they took her last night" I say, I still don't understand how she was safer being taken that late then at the house

"What? Why? Can they do that?" Tia ask and mom nods

"They found out about their relationship some how and yes... they can unfortunately do that, we have no idea where she is or if she is safe" mom says and I sigh and lean into her,

I really hope Emma is okay, I haven't gotten any messages from her so I hope she isn't mad at me either

Around lunch time I sat with Tia while everyone was cooking

"How you feeling?" She ask and I shrug

"I just want her to be safe" I sigh and she nods

"Me too, Emma is a very special girl, she deserves so much more than this" Tia says and I nod in agreement

"I'm having a baby!!" Travis yells walking into the beanery

"We know" I say and turn back to Tia

"No, no I mean right now, she's in labor, Emmett and I are about to become dads" he says freaking out and Tia looks to mom

"You're the captain, not me" mom smirks and Tia rolls her eyes

"Go to the hospital Travis, call us with updates and we'll be there" Tia says and he smiles

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