Chapter 17

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Vivianas POV

Today's the day I'm hanging out with emma,

When I told moms they were even more happy for me. Odd

We're meeting at a park and it's close to the station so I just planned on going to the station with mom until is was time for me to meet her anyhow

"Viv! Are you coming with me?" Mom ask

"I'll meet you later" I tell her, it was only 7 right now and who does she think she is waking me up at this hour

I got up around 12 this time and got dressed before heading to the station, I haven't heard anything from Emma yet so I assume she is still asleep

When I got to the station everyone was there and dean was at reception on his phone

"Pretty sure you're supposed to be working" I laugh

"Yea yea" he says and I smile and go to find my mom who was in her office

"Hey kid," she smiles and I sit down in front of her

"What time you meeting your friend" she ask me

"3, she she's not my friend... yet. More like Acquaintances" I tell her and she nods

"Well let's go, lunch should be done" mom says and we walk up to the beanery

"Yay! Mini Bishop" Vic yells and I smile

"You joining us for lunch?" Andy ask

"Well of course" I smile

After lunch I was still waiting on a text from Emma

Just as mom and I got back to her office the klaxon went off

"Be safe" I tell mom and she nods

"You too" she says and I go down to sit with Dean

I sat down next to him while he was one the phone and I finally got a message from Emma

Emma: hey.... Hate to do this but I can't come today..something came up

I read her message and sighed, I should have known that was going to happen

"What's got you all down?" Dean ask me

"Nothing, I was just supposed to hang out with someone but they canceled" I explain

"Well you can always hang out with me" he says and I smile

"Can you watch the desk while I use the bathroom?" He ask 15 minutes later and I nod

Just a few minutes later I noticed someone coming in

I didn't even notice who it was because they had their back to me until they got inside

"Emma?!" I exclaim and get up to help her, she was holding her arm that was out of socket, and had a red mark across her face

"Viv? What are you doing here?" She ask as she winces

"Dean!" I yell out

"My moms the captain here" I explain and Dean comes running in

"What what?" He asked

"Her arm" I say and he was walks over to her

"I can pop it back in but it's going to hurt" he says and she nods

She didn't even yell out, she just tightly closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath

"You're going to need that in a sling" he tells her and goes to get it

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