Chapter 56

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Vivianas POV

Emma gets to come home today, we'll to my house, our house? I don't know

I didn't even know my moms had their foster license but in this moment I'm glad they do

It's been 4 days since Emma has came to the hospital, she has a really bad concussion but her brain bleed that was barely there is almost gone so they are letting her come home because mama and mom know what to look for if something goes bad

She hasn't spoken to anyone but me though, she won't talk to my moms or the doctors, and she won't talk to me if people are around

The doctors said it was something called selective mutism or on the lines of it,

Since she is talking to me and she will nod or shake her head so it's not that bad or whatever I didn't really understand what they were talking about

"You ready to go home?" Mama ask us coming into the hospital room

Her and mom had to go back to work but I would just come sit with Emma all day

"Can we stop by Emma's so she can get clothes and some things?" I ask my moms, Emma had brought it up earlier

"We can do that," mama responds

When we got to Emma's she took my hand and I followed her

Moms came in too, things were knocked over everywhere in the living room and there were a few holes in the wall

"My room is a mess" Emma mumbles to me and she opens the door

"Em it is not" I chuckle, and it really wasn't

She grabbed a bag and started to put some clothes in there and I looked around her room while she did so

I have never been here, and what little I have seen from her room was when we were on FaceTime

When I turned around I seen Emma sitting on her bed

"Hey, you okay?" I ask her

"I just want everything to go back to normal" she whispers and i sit down next to her and hold her hand

"I know and I wish I could do that for you, I wish I could take all the pain and hurt away from you" I tell her and she leans into me

"We should go" she says and I nod,

She grabbed something from her dresser and we left

Once at home I took her things to my room since she still had to be careful with everything

"Is it okay if I shower quick?" She ask me and I nod

"You don't need to ask, go ahead" I say and kiss her head and i walked out to my moms

"Where's Emma?" Mom ask

"In the shower" I say and she nods

"How long can she stay?" I ask them

"Until they find her something suitable" mama answers and I nod and walk back to my room and laid down in bed

It didn't take long for Emma to come out wrapped in a towel

"Bambina" I gasp, seeing her. In the time she was in the bathroom she cut her hair,

She had long dark brown hair that went to her lower back and now it's at her shoulders, not even but it's there

She didn't say anything she just came over to me and sat down next to me, I wrapped my around around her and she cried into my chest

I didn't say anything but just ran my fingers through her now short hair

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