Chapter 58

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Mayas POV

"So what does this mean?" I ask, really hoping it wasn't what I thought  it was

"It means I have to remove Emma from the home, now" Diana says

"What? Seriously it's late, she's safe why?" I ask and Carina comes over to stand next to me and the girls stayed where they were

"It's my job, I'm sorry" she says

"It's your job to keep her safe, moving her at 9 o'clock at night is not doing that" I say and Carina slips her hand in mine, knowing that I needed to calm down

"There is really nothing I can do" she says and I scoff and turn around to see Emma walk back the hallway

"What about her health problems? You know since her father almost beat her to death the other week?" Carina ask

"She will be taken care of" Diana says and Emma comes out with a book bag, not near as much as she brought over but I guess that's a good thing

Carina walked over to her and they wrapped their arms around each other before Emma came over to me

"I am so sorry Emma" I say and she holds onto me

"I promise I'm going to make sure you are okay," I say and kiss her head

"Where are you taking her?" I ask Diana

"I'm sorry I can't tell you that"  she says and I ball my fist up, trying not to yell at her

"Hide your phone and call me whenever you can" I whisper to Emma and she nods and let's go of me

"Are you ready?" Diana ask Emma and she didn't respond

"She's not going to talk to you, one of those health problems I was talking about" Carina says and Emma walks outside

"If she gets hurt, so help me god I'll have your job, understand?" I ask Diana and she just nods and walks away

"God Dammit!" I yell as soon as they leave

I can't believe I just let that happen, I looked around me and viv was gone and I went to move but Carina stopped me

"It's okay, go" Carina says and I shake my head

"Yes Maya, I know you and I know what you need, go" she says

"I can't! I have to go make sure our daughter doesn't find something to try and Kill herself with again" I say, panicking, Carina was right, I needed to run if I wanted to stop the oncoming attack

"And that's why she had two moms who care about her, I have got her" Carina says and holds my face in her hands and she kisses me softly

"I'll be quick" I say and go to change and I left

Vivianas POV

This is what Emma wanted to avoid, she's in a home with strangers now, people she doesn't know and how do we know she is safe?

I didn't understand at first but now I do, why is the system so fucked up. Why move her this late at night

I ran to my room as soon as Emma left and locked myself in there, I'm also not supposed to do that

I didn't have anything I wanted right now, I wanted the release, I wanted to feel something

It's my fault Emma is gone, it has to be

I looked all over my room for something I could cut with and I couldn't find anything, I had nothing

You ever get to the point where you want to do it so bad, like it's literally pulling at you but you can't, you physically just can't?

I was so worried about Emma now, what if she hates me tomorrow because of this

I felt my entire room start to spin, I needed Emma, I needed her to be safe

"Bambina unlock the door" I heard mama say but I didn't move, I didn't even realize I had started to dig my nails into my skin,

Not the same but it will work, it still helps ground me

"Viviana" I heard again but I just kept on, I looked down and seen that it had pierced the skin and it was bleeding a little

That just made me want to cut even more, the scars on my leg are just scars, they are fading and it scares me

I didn't even realize mama came in until she was sitting in front of me on the floor

How did she even get In here?

"Bambina listen to me" she says and I shake my head and I felt her reach out and touch my arm

"Don't touch me!" I yell and she flinches, I immediately felt bad but her touch wasn't Helping

"Viviana" she sighs and puts her hands up so I could see them

"I'm not touching you, but you need to stop" she says and I look down at my hand that had so many marks on it

I ignored her and kept doing it only to feel her wrap her arms around me, taking hold of my hands so I couldn't hurt myself anymore

"No! Stop! Get off, get off of me! Let go" I cry and struggle against her, she wouldn't let go, I needed her to let go

"Shhh Bambina, it's mama. Mamas got you. You're safe. You're okay" she says and I shake my head

"Let go" I cry even harder but she doesn't, she just held me until I relaxed into her

She eventually let go of my arms and I just turned around in her lap to lay my head on her chest and she kept her hand on the back of my head

"Ti ho preso dolce ragazza, stai bene. Andrà tutto bene. Mamma è qui, io sono qui e non vado da nessuna parte. Sei al sicuro amore mio." She whispers

{I got you sweet girl, you're fine. Everything will be fine. Mom is here, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. You are safe my love}

"Mama" I whisper and she kisses my head

"I'm sorry, I-I don't know what just happened" I admit

"You don't get to be sorry for something you can't control" she says

"Are you hurt?" She ask me and I shake my head and just stayed against her

"Let's go wipe your hand down and we can go to bed" mama says and I nod

She cleaned the blood up from my hand and kissed it gently

"What's going to happen to Emma?" I ask mama as she leads me back to her room

I was exhausted from the earlier attack but didn't want to say anything

"I'm not sure" she says and I nod

"Do you want to talk about what happened earlier?" Mama ask

"I don't know what happened... usually your touch helps me but then I just felt... I don't know overwhelmed?" I say, avoiding her eyes

"You were over stimulated and I didn't realize that or I wouldn't Have touched you in the first place. But you kept hurting yourself and I can't let you do that" she explains to me while brushing my hair out with her fingers

"Why did that happen?" I ask

"If I had to guess I would say your anxiety, everything with Emma just happened so abruptly" she says and I nod against her

"Get some sleep, I'll be here" mama says

"I want to wait for mom" I say

"I'm right here, let me change and I'll be back" I heard her voice say and I smile

"I love you sunshine "

Till next time❤️

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