Chapter 28

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Vivianas POV

Today is my check up with Dr.Robbins, and afterwards we're picking up Emma

It's been so long since she has stayed and I've missed her

"Bambina we have to go" mama says and I nod and we leave the apartment and head to the hospital

"Mama I'm tired" I say once in the car

"You need to tell Arizona about how you don't sleep well" she says and I nod

"It's not like she can do anything" I tell her and she sighs, I mean it's true

Once at the doctors mama got me signed in and I leaned my head against her

I slept a whole 3 hours last night... typically I only get 4-6 anyway but I am super tired

"Viviana?" A nurse calls and mama and I follow her

Just as we walked through the doors mamas pager went off

"Ah! It's a 911" she says

"Go mama" I tell her

"Are you sure? Will you be okay?" She ask me and I nod and she kisses my head

"Call me if you need me, I will be back as soon as possible" she says and I nod

I followed the nurse where she made me get my weight, I hate this part

I looked anywhere but the scale because let's be honest, the number on there always makes me sad

Once we got to the room she asked me a bunch of questions

"So it says here that you are able to get a vaccine, do you want to get it over with now?" She ask me

"What vaccine?" I ask

"Meningococcal" she says

"It's up to you, or you can text and ask your mom" she says and that's what I do

"Dr.Robbins will be in soon" the nurse says and walks out

I got on my phone and played subway surfers until Dr.Robbins came in

"Viv! How are you?" She ask me and I smile

I always loved Arizona's happy personality

"I'm good, you?" I say and she smile

"Me too" she responds

"Okay, so you're just here for a check up yes?" She ask and I nod, shouldn't she know this?

She went through some questions, when was my last period, how are they, am I sexually actively, I told her about the constant headaches I get and blah blah blah

"Do you ever find yourself down, sad or depressed?" She ask and I hesitate

"No" I tell her, she looked at me funny but nodded

"Do you find little pleasure in doing activities you once found pleasurable" she ask and once again I hesitate

I should probably answer her honestly for these questions but my moms not in here to stop me

"No" I say and she nods

"What do you do when you're not in school? Do you hang out with friends?" She ask

"I don't have friends" i say and she nods

"And how's your mood been?" She questions and I smile

God why are these questions making me feel like I'm going to cry!

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