Chapter 77

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Vivianas POV

We are all still down here at the pool, Emma still has not even said anything else to Gia and won't get off of the lounge chair

Gia and I took a small break before getting back in but now she has to leave to meet up with her parents for something

"Text me when you're done and we can meet back up?" I ask Gia and she nods and hugs me quickly

"Definitely, bye Emma it was nice meeting you" she tells Emma and walks away and I sit down on the chair next to her

"She's gone, are you done being mean?" I ask her and she sighs and doesn't talk to me

"Okay.... We'll you know what? If you're seriously going to be like this I'm going back to the room" I tell Emma and stand up to grab my things

"Wait- I'm sorry okay? Don't go" she says and I sigh and turn back around to her and I sit on the chair next to her

"I just- I'm not used to having to share you..I'm sorry" she says and gets up off of her chair to sit on mine with me

"We're only here for a few more days.... Then you will have me. But I like Gia, I've never really had friends and she is nice" I say and Emma nods

"I know, and I'm sorry" she says and I put my arms around her

"Do you want to get in the pool now?" I ask and she nods

She took off her sundress and laid it on the chair and we get in on the deep end and sat on one of the ledges

"Why do you wear this?" She ask, pulling at my bathing suit cover

"You know why" I say

"It's not true" she says and I shrug, I believe it's true so it is

"Can I talk to you about something? Without you telling your moms?" She ask and I nod

"I think Andy is done fostering me" she whispers and leans into me

"What why?" I ask and she sighs

"I heard her on the phone saying something about how she won't be my foster parent for much longer" Emma admits

"That doesn't make any sense?! Why would she just put you back in the hands of some stranger" I say

"I don't know princesa, but I understand. She didn't know what she was getting into. She went from living by herself to having a teenager." Emma sighs and grabs my hand and traces the scar on my wrist

She's done it multiple times before, but like I had mentioned her touch doesn't bother me at all

"Maybe you just heard her wrong" I say and she shrugs

"No.... But it's okay" Emma says and I sigh

"Now that, that is over, come on" she says and pulls me Off of the ledge and into the water

I was still conflicted on the Andy thing though, would she really put Emma back into the system like that? Do my moms already know?

We swam over to the shallow end so we could both touch the bottom

I got out to grab our drinks and brought them over to the edge and sat down and Emma came over and laid her head in my lap

"Kiss?" She smiles and I chuckle but lean down and connect our lips softly

"You know.... I'm pretty sure Andy and your moms are still out" she whispers and I smile

"I think you're right" I say and kiss her again and stand up from the edge and she lifts herself out

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