Magic and Mayhem

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How did I get into this mess? Because I wanted to do something good. I wanted to help people. I wanted my name to appear in the history books as the person who saved thousands. Yeah right.

"Are you ready Heather? Remember, we're expecting the rebels to show up 20 feet from where we'll have you. When they show up, you run at them and tackle them to the ground, so we can tie them up and throw them in the dungeons. Do you have any questions?" Alva instructs me for the thousandth time.

"No. I understand what I'm supposed to do." I say.

Alva stares at me for a moment, obviously waiting for me to say more, but I don't know what else she wants from me.

"I understand...?" Alva begins for me, hinting at me to finish her sentence.

"I understand your highness." I say, finally understanding what she wanted me to say.

"Good. Get into position. I want those rebels caught before they can do anymore harm to my wonderful name and kingdom." Alva orders, pushing me out the door as her way of directing me to my place.

I nod my head and walk to my position. This is going to be bad. I can feel it. Something is going to go wrong with both plans. Harlow's and Alva's plans will both be destroyed. At least, that's what the voice in the back of my head keeps telling me.

Somethings going to happen. A little help from magic, and a lot of mayhem. It can save your friends, or it can hurt them. You never know how it's going to go. Let's hope it's safe.

I shake my head as I take the final steps and am finally in position.

This is going to be so much fun. You'll see. They'll all see. After all, griffins are very protective of their owners, isn't that right 'Heather'?

Yes. That's right. My griffin can never stay away from a fight for too long.

Yes. She's coming. And she's bringing her good friend. You know the dragon that you pass in the stables whenever you go to get your griffin?

A dragon. This is going to get quite chaotic. Sounds fun to me.

"They're coming! Get ready Heather! Get ready!" Someone whisper-yells in my ear through the communication device attached to the side of my head. It's magic, making it invisible.

I see 6 figures wearing cloaks and I know that one of them is Harlow. The same Harlow that is waiting for me to take out the guards that are surrounding them right now.

"I see them, I see them." I whisper back, but I don't move. I just stand there.

What do I do? Who's plan do I go along with?

It doesn't matter. The plan you go with will get messed up either way. Pick one at random, or make your own choice. It won't matter in the end. There will be magic, and there will be lots, and lots of mayhem.

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