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And it was as if Gillian Cobbler never existed in their dimension.

She was gone. Wiped completely from everyone's minds. Yet, sometimes, the people that knew her before would sometimes see a flash of a girl. Brown hair with a streak of purple. Brown eyes. Brown lace up boots. The FTRS uniform.

Alva was also never seen again. Gilly managed to send her to a prison dimension before blinking out of existence.

Gilly was never forgiven for what she did when she was 12 (no one could remember to forgive her), but she was forgotten.

My eyes snap open and I look around. I notice the beeping noises and the blinking lights immediately. I feel at home again. This is where I was for four years (3 months in Enchantasia) and I remember all of it so clearly. I guess now I won't be remembered in my Enchantasia.

"Hey, it's our best friend little Gilly!" A voice yells from the side.

Another, younger version of me walks over. Her hair doesn't have the streak of purple yet, but her eyes seem to have an extra sparkle.

"You're younger than me, you don't get to call me little." I point out.

"Hey, you're back! It's been about 6 months in our dimension. Come on, we've got a new kid that needs your help training." Another person says as they walk in.

She has brown hair that fades to midnight blue, brown eyes, and she's wearing a pair of overalls with an oil stained white shirt under the overalls. Kit. One of the ones that's about my age.

"Okay. Is she Kit, Abby, or Gilly?" I ask. (I made up Kit and Abby)

"She's Gilly. We just got her from a dimension where she was being mind controlled. She's part angel." Kit tells me.

"Maybe we should tell her more about what's going on before introducing her to another version of her." I point out.

"Good point. Everyone else has something going on though. You can tell her more about what's going on while teaching her how to fight. Please?" Kit says, using puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. I guess I'll have to. I'll try my hardest to get her to be good at defending herself." I sigh.

"She's actually already pretty good at that. She fought Stiltskin and Alva, she knows how to shoot a bow and arrow, and she has her friends with her. Some of her friends have powers and special abilities, others have magic items, and the rest can... cause distractions I guess." Kit informs me.

I sigh again.

"How many people and what are their names? I need to be prepared." I ask.

"There's Gilly, Jocelyn, AG, Ollie, Jax, Hayley, Kayla, and Maxine. I understand if you need us to teach some of them but it will have to be later if so." Kit replies.

I freeze. In their dimension Gilly could have friends? I could have friends? She- I was forgiven in their dimension?

"No. It's fine. How old are they?"


"Okay. I can do this. It's fine. Where are they?"

"Follow me."

I start to walk after Kit to a room filled with 8 fourteen year olds.

"Hi. I'm Gillian. Gillian Heather Mallow."

And my Enchantasia didn't remember... but maybe they will one day, though, because of all the times I've been in and out of dimensions at different ages, I may have to wait a while. If I don't I could destroy their dimension.

The End...


To be continued...

In the book where I combine all the fan fictions.

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