Chapter 1

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Another cold, snowy day

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Another cold, snowy day. I awake to the same scenery: snowflakes falling from the sky onto my jet black gloves. Living in Dragonspine has never been easy, but I had gotten accustomed to it by now. 

"Shall we head out?" A voice spoke to you from behind.

"Ah yes, give me a minute I'll be right back."

You quickly dress yourself up and reconvene with the same person from before.

"What will we be doing today?" You enquire politely.

"Hm, I do require some mist grass wicks for my upcoming experiment. Since, the only way you can obtain this is by defeating cicin mages, I think it would be more appropriate if you dealt with them."

"AlbEdOoo why do you always send me out to fight them..." You sigh in disappointment. 

"Trust me Y/n, I wouldn't ever want to put you in danger, but you have more experience in this than I."

"Fine... how many do you need?"

"Just 3 is fine. Don't worry, I'll treat you to some Sunshine Sprat as a reward."

"Oh thank you Albedo!" Your mood immediately lightens up and you wave him a goodbye.

"There you are, eavesdropper." You immediately sensed the presence of a cicin mage.

"Oh my, oh my, you guys won't ever close your annoying little mouths, will you. Time to shut you up for an eternity!" You unsheathe your sword and prepare for battle until a random bunny pops up out of nowhere.


The bunny explodes knocking you backwards and annihilating the cicin mage. Luckily, you didn't suffer from any serious injuries. 

"Whoops! I thought it would only affect the mage but I guess my aim was off... Here let me help you!" The stranger started tending to your wounds.

"Huh, that wasn't any normal explosion, you must be very powerful person."

"O-Oh I'm not really powerful or anything... The explosion you saw was my own creation: An explosive puppet named Baron Bunny!"

"...You named an explosive?"

"Yep, A friend of mine helped me name it! Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself- I'm Outrider Amber, reporting for duty! What's your name?"

"I'm Y/N L/N, pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Ooh that's a really nice name! So tell me, what were you doing out here in Dragonspine? This place is reallyyyyyy cold and dangerous, you should be pretty careful around here."

"Oh, I came in search of mist grass wicks, speaking of which..." You carefully collect the items and place them in your bag.

"Mist grass wicks? What do you need those for?"

"My friend needs it for an experiment. You've heard of Mr. Albedo, right?"

"Ohh so you're friends with him! I never expected that ehehe~"         

                                              Me too Amber, me too.

 "Anyways, I should be leaving now, hope we meet once again!"

"Goodbye Y/N! Do visit me in Mondstadt when you have the time!" 

You dreadfully walk up the mountain back to your camp. As soon as you reach, you fall flat on the bed.

"Oh you're back. That took a while, did something happen? You're covered in bandages."

"Sigh, I was gonna fight the mage, but then this weird bunny girl appeared out of nowhere and threw explosives. I guess I'm lucky I didn't die."

"So I see you've met Amber, she's a good friend of mine. By the way, are you gonna stay in my bed any longer or eat the sunshine sprat I made for you?"

Your face heats up after realizing you slept on the wrong mattress, and you immediately rush to the dinner table. 

"Haha Y/N, Your so cute when you're embarrassed. This is why I like teasing you."

"...Shut up."

"Not even a thank you?"

"Thank you Albedo for your hard work and effort in making such a complicated and difficult  dish." You reply sarcastically.

"By the way Y/N, didn't you say you had a commission to complete in about 5 minutes from now?

You nearly choke on your food.

 "Shoot I forgot all about it- Thanks for lunch albedo gotta go!" You stuff your mouth with the leftovers and rush to the Adventurer's guild.

Author's note: Albedo and Y/N live in the same camp as roommates. Y/N is a member of the adventurer's guild yet they always forget to go when they're commissioned. 

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