Chapter 3

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After a very long and tiring walk, you decide to take a break at the Dragonspine adventurer's camp before actually exploring Dragonspine

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After a very long and tiring walk, you decide to take a break at the Dragonspine adventurer's camp before actually exploring Dragonspine. You seat yourself on an empty bench nearby.

"Welcome adventurers! I suppose you have come here to get supplies? Be careful when heading out there, its a long road ahead." A man spoke.

"Thanks for the advice mister, what's your name?" Paimon questioned the stranger.

"The name's Harris, I'm the cook around here."

"Ooh Paimon's hungry~! What's on the menu today, chef?"

"Today's special is hot radish soup! I recommend this to you all since, you'll be travelling in the cold."

"Thanks! Aether, do you have enough mora for all of us?"

"I sure do. Don't worry, I'll pay the bill."

You all enjoy a hot bowl of radish soup together. The hot dish instantly cools down the temperature and makes you feel less cold. You take a few to go and set off again to explore. 

"Now, I think we should head this wa-"


"Ouch my head..."

"Watch where you're going." The voice boomed.

You open your eyes to see an extremely tall man towering over you, clearly annoyed.

"Uhm... I'm sorry? I didn't see where I was going."

"I didn't know that the Miss. Y/N would be such a clumsy person."

"Wait, how do you know my name?"

"Diluc! There you are, we were just about to come searching for you." Aether suddenly spoke.

"Oh- Master Diluc, I am really, really, sorry for bumping into you. It was an honest mistake."

"You'll have to try way harder than that, if you want me to accept your apology."

"Aw don't be so Grumpy towards Y/N, Diluc! You just met her for the first time, after all.." Paimon crossed her hands together and shook her head. 

"It's okay Paimon, It was my fault. I should've been more careful..."

"Well, all that aside, it looks like all of us are here! Hopefully my bad luck doesn't ruin anything for you guys." 

You all share an awkward laugh but then proceed onwards. You stop when you find two routes to choose.

"I think we should head left, it may seem like there are more obstacles in our way, but it also seems to be the easier way out." You announce.

"I'd say from my experience, that heading towards the right would be better. It's a clear path and an easy way to go." Diluc intervenes. 

"But that side would have more monsters, making it time consuming and dangerous."

"It would be better than dying by falling off a cliff."

"Guys stop arguing!" Aether yelled. 

"We need to work together if we want to complete this commission. We can't keep bickering like this and continue wasting our time. Diluc, I'm sorry to say this but I think we should go with what Y/N said. She has been living here for most of her lifetime, so I think she knows this place way better than we do."

"Fine. We'll have it your way, but just this once."

The five of you take the left path and come across various life threatening incidents. You are walking on the edge of a cliff when, you suddenly slip off. You close your eyes embracing a fall when, you feel someone holding your hand tightly. It was Diluc. He pulls you up and brings you closer to him.


"Oh no Y/N, Are you alright?! I'm sorry, I think my bad luck is affecting you.."

"I told you that this route was dangerous. You almost slipped off."

You bow down your head in guilt and you don't speak a word.

"Everyone calm down. All that matters is that Y/N is safe so now we don't have to think about anything else."

Aether approaches you and gives you yet another comforting pat. You now started to wonder if he really did this to make you feel better, or if he had any other intentions...

"Is anyone there? Can you hear me?" A voice yelled out loudly and desperately.

"I can hear you! We're coming towards you so stay put!" You yell back.

"Do you think that's Joel's dad???" Paimon asked.

"We'll never know until we get there."

Author's note: OH MY GOODNESS I HAVE NOT WROTE IN A REALLY LONG TIME. Updated because I kind of want to complete this book someday :D

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