Chapter 8

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"According to what I heard, their name is... Y/N."

"...Y/N huh. Give me all the information you can on this person." He said with a stern tone as he felt determined to take his vengeance.

 •• ✼✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈❉┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼✼ ••

Countless nights passed by as his room was now filled with even more books and papers than there were before. The sounds of intense scribbling echoed in the room followed by the sound of a pen hitting the floor in a harsh manner.

"Who is she and why can't I find anything about her? Her identity being secretive must mean she's part of a huge, important society." As he remained lost in his train of thoughts, someone barged in through the door.

"How's the research going?" 

"Terrible, I can't find anything. I hope you didn't try to set me up here." He narrowed his eyebrows at him, giving him a death glare.

"Awww now why would I do that, big brother ? He smiled cheekily before giving him a small pat on the back to which the red hair simply grimaced at.

"But I'm serious, now that you have a lead you should be more relaxed than anything, don't keep overworking yourself." His crimson eyes lowered before looking back up at the man in front of him.

"I won't stop until I find her." 

"Alright, suit yourself I suppose. Although if you started going outside, there would be more chances that you might be able to find them, right?" He crossed his arms together, feeling like the smartest person in the world for coming up with such an excuse.

His eyes had widened in bewilderment, almost as if he had a eureka moment.

"That's it. I need to go around looking for her instead." Kaeya facepalmed internally before giving a forced smile.

"I suppose that's one way of going outside."

•• ✼✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼✼ ••

He looked around everywhere for opportunities and decided to go to the city of mondstadt for more clues.

"Ah~! It's Master Diluc right in front of my very eyes! I might just faint now." A light-brown haired  girl yelled out in ecstasy and looked as if she was in her own dream world.

Who is this weird girl? Diluc thought to himself, feeling slightly disturbed. Wait no, she might actually be useful.

"Excuse me, may I ask you something?" He asked politely, looking at her in the eyes with a friendly gesture.

AAAH! I'M GOING TO FAINT!!! HE'S REALLY TALKING TO ME!! The girl thought internally as she squealed excitedly, her eyes sparkling and gleaming.

"Ahem, Oh M-My name is Donny, I MEAN DONNA ahahaha..." She laughed nervously, twirling around.

"Ah... it's my pleasure, Miss Donna." 

Upon hearing him say her name, she felt like she just got knocked out from shock and euphoria.

"Excuse me, are you okay? Do I need to take you to the deaconess?"

"No I'm fine, Really! W-What was it that you wanted to ask?"

"Right. Do you know anyone going by the name of Y/N?"

"Oh, Y/N? Oh she's a real weirdo alright! Like seriously, I've never seen here buy anything from me, like, who doesn't buy flowers??? Although, I have seen her hang around the adventurer's guild sometimes. You could try asking there."

His face had slowly formed into a crooked smile which he tried to cover with his gloved hands. 

"I see, thank you for your information. I'll be sure to remember your name."

"No problem! I'm always here if you need any help!" She said as she waved him goodbye.

"NO WAY! He said he'd actually remember me.. how much better could today get!"

He walked up to the reception in a hurry, eager to finally meet his rival.

"Excuse me.. Do you know of anyone that goes by the name Y/N here?" He asked Kathyrene, the receptionist of the adventurer's guild.

"Ah Master Diluc, what a pleasure to see you here! I do indeed know her, she's a really sweet girl that is willing to help anyone. I think she will be arriving  shortly for today's commission. Is there some important matter you wish to discuss?" There was a short pause before he opened up again.

"No, nevermind that. I'd actually like to help out as well."

"Ah really? That's wonderful news,  I'll inform everyone right away. We would really appreciate the extra help." She smiled sweetly.

"Thank you very much Miss kathyrene." He slowly walked away from the reception with a small smile appearing on his face.

"I've got you now Y/N."


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