Chapter 6

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"Y/N, You are my date to the party tonight."


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As soon as you heard those words, your mind began running wild with thoughts. Why did he say that so suddenly? Why am I his date? What do I do? Why didn't he tell me about anything?

"What are you standing around there for? Go get dried up, there are some towels in the guest room on the second floor." His voice was calm, he spoke as if he didn't just make you his date.

"...Alright, thank you." You proceed to obey the instructions despite being utterly confused. However, you decide to shake it off your mind for now.

You head upstairs and notice a single room and a balcony. In front of the room is a white haired male with lime green eyes. The male seems to have caught your attention as he looks at you with a soft smile and bows his head down politely. 

"My name is Elzer, Master Diluc's most trusted butler. How may I serve you today?" He looks at you with a gentle gaze.

"Oh, It's nice to meet you Sir Elzer, I'm actually looking for some towels, Diluc said I could them here." You replied in an awkward tone.

"Of course, right this way madam. Are you perhaps one of Master's esteemed guests?" The silvery-haired individual questioned.

"To some extent.. I suppose I am." 

"Ah, then I think this may be for you." He hands you over a white box with a red satin ribbon on top.

"Huh? Are you sure this is for me? My apologies but, you must be thinking of someone else."

"Master has requested me to give this to his guest. I assume that guest would be you as I do not see anyone else. Please, accept this for his sake."

"Oh.. I guess I'll have to take it then. Thank you very much, Sir." You bow before entering the room. 

After you finish drying yourself, you take a look at the white box and notice a note attached onto it. The note reads: Wear this dress for the party tonight. You open the box to reveal a red, silken dress. It fits you perfectly, but it's too formal for your own taste. Nonetheless, you didn't want to reject his generous gift. Why did he do all of this for you and never mention it beforehand?  You pondered as you walked down the steps carefully.

"I'm ready for the party."

Diluc's eyes glanced at you before quickly looking away in the opposite direction.

"So you are. Do you like the dress?"

"It's alright, nothing too bad. On the other hand, I would like to appreciate your workers for being so polite and considerate."

"Hm, so you prefer talking about Elzer over this expensive dress? How Interesting." The red head looks at you in an amusing manner.

"Kindness is what defines a person's character, not how much money they have in their bank." You quoted from some book on values you picked off the street.

"Your way of thinking is certainly.. different from most. Nevertheless, it looks like the party's about to start."

"Ah right, but before that.. why did you never tell me about any of this beforehand? You never even asked for my permission and dragged me along." You looked at him, expectantly waiting for an answer.

"I forgot to tell you on the way because of the rain. But it doesn't matter now. Let's go, the guests are waiting." He immediately ignores you and turns his focus onto the crowd.

"Ah.. okay." You couldn't help but feel slightly bothered as he disregarded your question. You somewhat hoped that he would have given a more clear answer...

Diluc looks to the side with a distressed sigh. 

"I shouldn't be getting too attached to you." He thought to himself.


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