Chapter 4

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While walking towards the sound, you had come across a very large cave with huge icicles covering the roof of the hollow hole

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While walking towards the sound, you had come across a very large cave with huge icicles covering the roof of the hollow hole. It was extremely dark and quiet inside, so quiet that if you ever moved a small stone, the noise would echo throughout the cave.

As you walked further, you noticed a tall man shaking  with his hands wrapped around himself due to the sheer cold. He seemed to be afraid and worried.

"Excuse me, Sir? May I ask who you could be?" 

"Oh! H-Hello there, my name is Joserf. Thank Archons you're here! I've been stuck in place for as long as I can remember. I was originally trapped in a block of ice until a wandering seelie had set me free."

"Oh thank goodness you're alive, we were starting to get really worried..." The blonde-haired male sighs in relief and holds Joserf by his hand. 

"Yeah... I thought something bad would happen again, looks like my good luck is finally coming into play!" The emerald-eyed teenage boy had a wide smile on his face.

"You know who I am...?" The male questioned with a slightly confused tone.

"Mhm! Paimon and the others were commissioned to come and search for your whereabouts. Joel has missed you quite a lot and is probably still waiting for your arrival back at camp."

"Oh my dear son! I miss him so very much... Is he doing alright? Is he safe??" The man was completely panic-stricken.

"Your son is in safe hands, good Sir. You needn't worry about anything. We adventurers do our very best to ensure the safety and well-being of our companions." You reassure the individual confidently with a soft smile on your lips.

"We must head back to camp now, I believe our work here is done. Shall we?" The red head spoke out bluntly. Wow, way to read the room mister know-it-all. Nonetheless, you and the rest of the group had gone back to the camp.

"Daddy! You're okay! I knew you would come back one day..." Joel ran up to his father  and wrapped his arms around the older man's body, giving him a tight hug as if he never wanted to let go.

"Joel... I missed you dearly my son." Tears started pouring out from his eyes uncontrollably as he hugged the smaller one back. "I won't leave you, never again."

You watched the heartwarming moment, feeling a sense of accomplishment of a good job well done. The ends of your lips curve slightly upwards, wishing that you would be able to experience something as uplifting as that.

"And for what reason are you in such high spirits?" A familiar voice booms right next to your ear, making you jump.

"AHH- You scared me! Don't sneak up on me like that..."

"My sincerest apologies, my dear." The red head had a small smirk on his face making you feel both flustered and annoyed. 

"Jokes aside, you still haven't answered my question." He moves to sit beside you.

"Oh- It's nothing , It's just that every time I complete a commission, I feel a great sense of accomplishment and it makes me feel content."

"Why's that?"

"Seeing how much I can be of use to people makes me feel wanted and known. For that same reason, I swear to keep working under the adventurer's guild no matter what the circumstance is." You say sternly, speaking out all of your inner thoughts.

Diluc is lost in thought for a while until he speaks up again. 

"You seem to be really committed to your work and you clearly enjoy what you do. That's quite an admirable trait that not many people can have."

You were at a loss for words.

"T-Thank you, Master Diluc..." You looked away as you were extremely flustered and were not used to receiving any sort of compliment.

After a while, the five of you head back to the Adventurer's Guild to report that you have completed yet another commission. Sometimes, you wonder if one day you'd receive a commission beyond your own capabilities. 

"Katheryneee, we're back~ And with another commission com-pleted!" The floating creature yells loudly and excitedly, trying to catch her attention.

"Wonderful job! I knew I could count on you guys. Although, I was a little worried at first since Bennett was coming along."

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean Katheryne? My luck may be bad but that does not mean I can't have some good luck. You just gotta some have faith in m- OW! Did a stone just fall from the sky?" He looks at the stone that just fell on him in annoyance.

You look up to see that there were indeed stones falling from the sky. But no, not any ordinary stones, they were hailstones.

"...You were saying?" The receptionist stared hard at the young boy who began to flee away from the scene immediately.

"We need to find shelter, and quick!" You panicked noticing the rain getting progressively worse.

"We can all take a rest inside Angel's share. It's both a cozy and safe place to stay in until the rain wears off." The crimson-eyed individual had calmly suggested.

"Oh no, thank you for the offer Diluc, but me and Paimon will be on our way now. It was nice meeting you Y/N!" The blonde male looks over at you and smiles slightly before leaving the place.

You say your goodbyes to the two of them and then head over to Angel's share. You were about to  enter the store when you suddenly slipped on a pool of water and fell backwards. You were prepared for the worst when you felt  someone catching you in their arms.

"Looks like someone keeps falling for me."


Another chapter ig anywaysss this would be my longest one so far

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