Chapter 10

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"Sounds good to me. Shall we head out now? He extended his hand out, slightly bowing in a way of being polite."

"We shall." You smiled and accepted his welcoming hand.


We walked together in comfortable silence, the only sounds discernable were those of crickets chirping, insects buzzing and the hooting of owls. The dead of night has always been one of my many fears, but I tried not letting that appear evidently on my face as I strode across the muddy brown road with utmost confidence. But that confident demeanor had shattered as quickly as it came, when a passerby bat flew across my line of sight. Shrieking, I grabbed onto whatever was closest to me.

"Y/N, are you okay? It was just a bat." A voice said somewhere above me, and I lifted my head up immediately to see Diluc's perturbed face, seemingly concerned. Ah, right. We were making our way over to Dawn Winery, I almost forgot. I slowly removed my hand from his own, hanging my head slightly in shame.

"I'm really sorry, I just.. feel scared during night time. Never really been a fan of the dark, I suppose." I chuckled slightly, hoping to lighten the mood. I half expected a snarky remark in response, along the lines of "Oh? A member of the adventurer's guild, scared of the dark? How pathetic." But his actual response was much further from that.

"I see. Would you like for me to talk to you while we walk? Your focus would be shifted, at the very least." He asked, turning his head to your direction and awaiting a response. 

My mouth opened in surprise, but upon finding no words to respond with, I closed it again.

"How about your interests? What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time?" He started walking slowly and carefully, and I subconsciously reciprocated the same. Having my thoughts gathered, I responded.

"Oh, well you already know I'm a representative of the adventurer's guild, so that keeps me busy for most of the day. Whenever I have any leisure time though, I like to help out Albedo with his experiments, or I just talk to the locals in Mondstadt. I don't really have many close friends to talk to, besides him." I said, feeling a tinge of sadness while saying the last part out loud.

His eyes widened in response, and before I could ask what was troubling him, he continued conversing. "I have heard much about Chief Alchemist Albedo and his marvelous creations, but I did not know that the two of you were acquainted." His eyes had gleamed with a hint of curiosity.

"Oh, Have I not told you about it before? He's the roommate I mentioned of not too long ago, and he's also the person I have closest to family." 


● Diluc POV ●

Like clockwork, the cogs in my brain had started to spin and began working. Alchemy. That might've been the cause for that vile purple creature's existence. Then this would mean...

"Y/N, do you know how to do alchemy by any chance?" I stared at her with an intense glare of seriousness. I needed to confirm my suspicions, even if it meant being harsh to Y/N.

She flinched in surprise, but then responded, "No.. well not much, I suppose. I simply help in procuring ingredients for his projects."

Oh. My. Barbatos. I closed my eyes and let out a huge sigh of relief, albeit a little shaky.

"So it isn't her", I thought to myself, feeling a bit more relieved, as I let my shoulders slump down. But this just means that I now have a clear vision on who it really is, and frankly, it makes my job much easier. 

"Master Diluc, Is something the matter?" She tentatively touched my shoulder in concern.

I decided to think about it all later. For now, I had to focus on pretending that nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Nothing to fret about Y/N, The concept of alchemy has always been appealing to me, so I was curious to know if you were able to perform it." I turned back to meet her eyes, giving her the most fond and assuring smile I possibly could.

She withdrew her hand and in response, smiled back politely. "Well, I'm glad to know of that. I thought I had said something of offense."

"Well technically, you did say something so major it changed my entire perspective on you." The thought had crept into my mind, but I wouldn't dare say it out loud.

"Nothing of the sort. And would you look at that, we've already reached our destination." I said, turning to a halt as I stopped right in front of the gates of Dawn Winery. 

She stopped dead in her tracks, and she looked around in bewilderment as though she was surprised we had even been walking this entire time. I almost let out a snort, but I wouldn't dare let my professional decorum get thrown away so easily, at least in the eyes of the public. 

"Come along now. Let's get you to bed." I walked up the stone stairs and she tagged along, following closely.

The maids and butlers of the house rushed over to us and opened the doors to the Manor. I entered and then shrugged off my coat from my shoulders and passed it over to Adelinde, my head housemaid. I once more stifled a laugh as they ushered the puzzled Y/N into the house and bombarded her with a series of inquisitive questions, the ones in the front of the crowd being Moco and Hillie.

I cleared my throat to get their attention, "Miss Y/N here will be staying for the night. Please set up a room and provide her with warm clothes to sleep in. The dress she's wearing may look quite fashionable, but I doubt it'd be that comfortable."

"Of course Master Diluc." The crowd dispersed after bowing their heads, and I responded with a courteous nod.

"Master Diluc, I sincerely appreciate all that you have done for me thus far. How may I repay you?" She asked, sounding utterly grateful.

"It's really is no big deal, Y/N. And please, just call me Diluc." I smiled slightly in response.

"Ah, thank you... Diluc." A huge smile crept across her face, and it almost looked like she was glowing. I couldn't help but give her a warm smile of my own. 

I bid her goodnight and watched as she made her way upstairs to her appointed room. I then headed over to my own and after lying down on my bed, I knew one thing was for certain: I have a lot to think about.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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