Chapter 9

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"Thank you very much, Miss Kathyrene." He slowly walked away from the reception with a small smile appearing on his face.

"I've got you now, Y/N."

── ❉ ── 〔✿〕── ❉ ── 〔✿〕── ❉ ──

The snow on the mountain was glowing white, and there wasn't a footprint to be seen. Cold winds blew over the lone figure standing on the soft, white snow. The camp nearby was bustling with activity: The sounds of metal clinking from the weaponsmith, The mouth-watering aroma of soup from the chef and the playful laughs of the little children who played chase around the camp. The figure walked over to an edge of the camp, and seated down on a bench to gather their thoughts.

❛❛To hurt someone deftly, is to gain their complete trust, only to then shatter it.❜❜

I never had any purpose to follow this quote, but now, It seems like the best thing I can do. To the person who unleashed that vile creature, to whom I lost my father to, I wish nothing but the worst.

The sound of crunching snow had begun to grow louder, and four shadowy figures emerged, appearing to head into the direction of the camp.

Diluc watched intently as Y/N seated herself on a bench, looking exhausted from her trip. 

How pitiful.

As the party drank some soup and relaxed for a bit, they prepared to head out again. Diluc, who had been waiting this entire time, decided it was finally time to meet them; and by them, he of course means her.

"Now I think we should head this wa-"


"Ouch.. my head"

Y/N looked up at the figure who was towering over her, and they locked eyes for just a moment. 

In that very moment, it felt as if nothing else existed, it was just the two of them in their own little world, standing beneath the falling snow, where they met for the very first time. 


● Present POV ●

The crimson-haired individual sighed to himself. 

I started this journey for a purpose, and I mustn't be led astray. And yet, why do I care so much for Y/N? 

He shook those thoughts away from his head and focused on what really mattered to him. He was getting too far ahead of himself, and he needed to keep himself in check. Truthfully, he did everything for you because he cares for you. But somewhere in his warped logic, he believed this was just another means to gain your trust.

● Y/N's POV ●

We spent the entire night greeting guests and shaking hands with them. Being formal to others felt so exhausting, and it didn't help that I could also hear the young ladies disparaging me behind my back. I thought this would've been more fun as I wanted to spend some time with Diluc.

As they finished closing the wooden doors of Angel's Share, Y/N was prepared to leave the place and have a peaceful sleep after such an eventful day.

"Wait." The man spoke, with a tone of uncertainty.

I stopped in my tracks and shot him a questioning look.

"It's very late at night right now." He started, staring at you with seriousness.

"Well... yes? I'm sorry, I don't think I follow your point." Your confusion had only widened more than it had been before.

"No, well, what I mean to say is-" He seemed to be looking for the right words before continuing.

"You could stay over at Dawn Winery with me for the night. I- know this may seem sudden, and I completely understand if you reject this, but its too dangerous to be walking alone at night."

You stared at him flabbergasted as you thought it over. Of course, it was as dangerous to stay with someone you had met not too long ago as it was to walk alone at night, but you decided to put your faith in him. The only problem now would be Albedo, he would be extremely worried if you didn't come back.

"Well you see, I'm completely fine with your suggestion, but the only problem is my roommate... he would be worried if I left without warning. I'll just send him a letter through mail explaining what happened."

"Sounds good to me. Shall we head out now?" He extended his hand out, slightly bowing in a way of being polite.

"We shall." You smiled and accepted his welcoming hand.


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