Chapter 5

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"Looks like someone keeps falling for me."

"Oh quiet down, I just tend to lose my balance a little too often

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"Oh quiet down, I just tend to lose my balance a little too often." You push him away from you and let out a sigh, rolling your eyes.

You needed to rest for a short while so the two of you went towards a nearby building and stood under its roof to have a small chat.

"Is that your way of saying you're clumsy?" He smirks at you, much to your annoyance. You try your best to come up with a way to defend yourself.

"Uh... no! Well I mean- falling over happens to everyone, so it's normal right? I believe that it's only because I don't wear suitable shoes." You replied feeling slightly anxious, looking away and focusing on the water dripping down from your hair and clothes. You never did well in defending yourself so you found this to be a little difficult.

"You do know that Aether wears heels, right? And, he can still climb towards the peak of the tallest mountain." He replied almost immediately, slightly irritated.

"That's because he's an adventurer! He most likely has more experience climbing over mountains and other landforms. Plus, those heels aren't even that big, so it wouldn't be much of a problem." You look up and glare at him, the conversation getting tenser as it continued.

"You've lived in the mountains for years and still cannot scale them. He, on the other hand, can very easily do so." He glared back, his crimson eyes glowing a shade brighter.

You were really starting to regret bringing up this argument now.

"Well then, fair point. Is making me admit it all that you want? Then I'll say it, I'm a clumsy person."

"Good, now you're finally making sense." He looks at you with a teasing smirk. You glare back at him.

..•° ❉ °•..•° ❅ °•..•° ❉ °•..•° ❅ °•..•° ❉ °•..•° ❅ °•..•° ❉ °•..•° ❅ °•..•° ❉ °•..

The bell chimes as you push open the wooden doors of Angel's Share and the cold wind begins to rush in. You were diverted when you hear a loud, boisterous laugh.

"HAHAHA DILUC, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? You look like you've been in hell. Ah, to see the dignified Diluc like this... truly a rare sight." Kaeya wipes off the tears forming in his eyes as he continues to chuckle to himself.

"So.. are you here just to ridicule me? Fine, go ahead." He glares at the navy-blue haired individual in disdain.

"Oh Diluc, you know I'd never do that to you! I was just surprised to see you here right now at this hour. I thought you'd be having more important work to attend to right now."

"I am doing my work. I hope you haven't forgotten that this is my own establishment?"

"So you expect me to believe that you're here for business purposes when you're completely wet and also have Y/N along with you for company?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I need a lecture from someone who doesn't even do their own job."

The two brothers began bickering loudly and the argument started to get heated, with all the customers gathering around sipping beer and wine to watch the show. As the chaos continued, you decided you'd rather be anywhere else than here and so you quietly walked away to the front door. But as soon as you reach the door handle and pushed it open..

"Miss Y/N, Where are you going off to? It's raining quite badly and it would be dangerous if you left now." The blue hair peers over in your direction, making you the center of attention. You panicked as you needed to give a proper response that wouldn't get you in trouble.

"Uhm, well- I just thought of going out to buy flowers from Donna! After all, the flowers would be pretty fresh after the rain haha.." You didn't know of what impelled you to say that but you decided to go with it anyway.

"Out of the blue..? Oh! Let me guess, you're attending tonight's party at Angel's share." His blue eyes light up, sparkling with excitement.

A party? I wasn't even aware of that, Diluc didn't mention about it either.

"Um, yep! I was just going to go buy some flowers for that before its too late." You shot a nervous glance at him, hoping he wouldn't notice the obvious lies you were making.

"I see, this all makes sense now... You and Diluc walking in together when he doesn't even have time for anyone is very odd indeed. And if my theory proves right, those flowers must be for him, since there's no one better to ask than Donna the Diluc simp herself. Furthermore, the way you both walked in all drenched and panting... perhaps you're already in the further stages of your relationship." Kaeya shoots the both of you a smug smile.

"Captain Kaeya, i assure you that this is not what you're thinking. Let me explain." You reply completely flustered, trying to regain your usual composure.

"You're absolutely right. Well, besides the 'further stage in our relationship' part, we are indeed more than simple accomplices." The red hair looks at Kaeya with the most serious glance you've ever seen.

"DILUC??? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING." Your jaw drops wide open both in shock and confusion, you don't even know what's happening anymore.

"Oho, I was only joking at the beginning, but it seems like there really might be a spark between the two of you." He takes another sip from his wine, swirling the glass in his hand in amusement.

"Master Diluc, please stop messing around and tell him it's all a joke." You had the feeling that he had taken the joke a little too far than you'd expect.

"Who said I was messing around?" The room turns completely silent as he says these words. He sounded very serious about it, and replied with no hesitation in his voice. You now had a loss of words to say.

"...What?" You stared at him, your mind turning completely blank. He stretches out his arm towards you.

"Y/N, You are my date to the party tonight."

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