Chapter 2

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Upon reaching the guild, you meet the Intelligence department investigator, Fischl and a fellow adventurer, Bennett

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Upon reaching the guild, you meet the Intelligence department investigator, Fischl and a fellow adventurer, Bennett. They seem to be discussing about something.

"Ah Y/N, you're right on time! We just received a commission from Joel. He's... still looking for his missing father."

"...Still no luck huh?"

Joel's commission has been posted multiple times before, and no matter how many adventurer's are sent out, none of them come back with any good signs.

"Yep, but don't worry! They say an experienced adventurer will be joining us today, along with some rich dude."

"Ahem, I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, am most exceptionally captivated to make the acquaintance of these illustrious guests. Thy has heard of their gestures of goodwill and remarkable experience on the battlefield."

"Fischl stop using such complicated words for once. You know that I have a brain the size of a shrimp." 

"Anyways, when would they be arriving here though?"

"Thou should be arriving so-" She was cut off by another voice.

"Hello~!" You notice a creature resembling a fairy flying towards you, with a blonde haired male walking alongside it."

"Greetings everyone, My name is Aether and the floating pet next to me is Paimon."

"Paimon is not a floating pet!!!"

You simply watch the two individuals bicker and joke around.

"Oh, uhm nice to meet the two of you.'re the famous traveler everyone speaks of?"

"Well, not to exaggerate, but we are kind of famous around here." The Traveler and Paimon exchange smug looks.

"Right..." You almost rolled your eyes at the fact they were so confident of themselves. "Anyway, I guess we should begin discussing about the main event. Miss Kathyrene, could we get the information about this quest?"

"Certainly, This commission is ranked to be "A", meaning it is of high level. Although, this quest is for finding the father of Joel, the journey there is most dangerous. There are a numerous number of enemies that you will have to defeat in battle, of which Fischl will explain in detail later on. We have found tracks of him leading right to the tallest mountain in Dragonspine. Please exercise caution and carry the required equipment."      

"Thou shall converse of thy creatures of darkness and corruption existing purely for the intention of blemishing mortals now. One shall encounter the presence of an icy-cold cyan creature with prodigious and ferocious azure eyes that shine bright through the gloomy darkness with murderous intent. With one strike of its enormous forelimbs, it can vanquish any mortal effortlessly."

"She means there's going to be some huge blue monster that can kill us in one go." Bennett replied sighing.

"How the hell did you understand her???"

"We've been friends long enough."

"A huge blue monster that can kill us easily... seems highly dangerous indeed. The three of us must remain vigilant." The traveler, Aether replies.

"Ahem Paimon is counted too you know!"

"Let me correct myself then, The four of us must remain vigilant."

You can't help but smile seeing their silly interactions. Reminds you of the times you spent with your family...

"Ah right, Bennett, didn't you say another person would be coming, are they going to arrive late?

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Aether, do you have any idea about where they are?"

"Oh you mean Master Diluc, he should be at the entrance of Dragonspine, we'll meet him there once we start our journey."

The name sounded familiar to you but you didn't think much of it.

"Wow he's already there? But we only just received the information."

"As the owner of the Dawn Winery, he's easily able to get information on anything and everything happening in Mondstadt, so it isn't much of a surprise."

It took you a while for you to finally realize who Diluc was. You felt like the most dumb and oblivious person to exist on planet Earth for not recognizing his name.

"WAIT. The person who's widely known and spoken of by every woman on the street, the person whose name Donna yells out all the time, the person who owns two of Mondstadt's famous wine industries and the person who is literally the richest in the city, Diluc Ragnvindr, is going to help us in this commission?"

"Yes...? Is it much of a surprise?"

You were dumbfounded. You, a person who's way lower in status than compared to Aether or Diluc, were going to go on an adventure with them. You felt like the luckiest person in the world.

"If all the talk is over can we get going? Sorry to trouble you guys but...we shouldn't keep Master Diluc waiting for long."

Suddenly you felt a bit of anxiousness since if you were to do anything wrong in the journey, who knows what Master Diluc would do to you. Aether notices your worry and comforts you by giving you a pat on the head. You felt a little flustered by it but just thought of it to be nothing more than a simple act of affection.

"You're right, let's go." Aether said as he walked away, while you and Bennett tagged along.

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