What the...?

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"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." - Wayne Dyer


On the jet ride back home you spent a lot of time with Spencer. Mainly cuddling while he slept or read a book. When you guys weren't talking, it gave you time to think about everything.

Just a couple of months ago, you joined the BAU. You met people who you now consider family. One person hated you, and you hated him. He was with you when you were in the hospital the first time, then left you halfway through your stay. You then started to talk more, which led to hanging out a lot more than usual. After that, you guys have been for the most part... inseparable.

You felt almost bad for not telling the team about it but you also realized that you just wanted a second.

A second to breathe. A second to sit back and take time to actually think about everything that's happening. Which was a lot.

The jet had just landed and boy were you excited to finally sleep in your own bed with Spencer right next to you. As you walk up to your apartment, you notice that the spot where your spare key is hidden, has been tampered with. You look at Spencer and he immediately knew what was happening. He pulled out his gun and slowly approached the door. He proceeded to slowly turn the door handle and quickly opening the door, he pointed his gun.

"Oh gosh!"

Only to you did this voice seen familiar. Spencer had never heard this voice before, and you had hoped he wouldn't have heard it for a long time.


You hadn't realized how much your life had actually changed when you remembered that you hadn't called your parents in months. They knew you were busy, don't get me wrong. They were just worried. Especially when they hadn't heard from you in so long. So naturally, as a parent does, they show up. Right when you least expect it.

"Uhm so mom... when did you get here?"

"We got here yesterday. Don't worry, we didn't sleep here. We got a hotel."

"That's not the thing I'm most concerned about."

Your mom looked at you with confusion written all over her face. "What do you mean sweetheart?"

"What I mean by that is your here... in my apartment... and you didn't tell me. I'm an adult. I deserve privacy. Also, how did you find my spare key?"

"We just felt around. We figured that you would have one, I mean, who doesn't these days?"

"So what? You're just going to ignore everything else I just said?"

"I'm not ignoring it. I just chose to pretend to forget."

"Right. I should be used to that by now huh?"

You felt bad for Spencer right now, he's just standing there, listening to you argue with a woman he doesn't know. As he stands there, watching, he can now see why you didn't like to talk to or about your parents.

"Wait... what do you mean we? Dads here too?! What the hell, that's even worse!"

"Listen honey, I know you don't like your father, but he loves you. You know that."

You have nothing else to say to her here. Not tonight. Your father would be here any moment, and you couldn't let Spencer meet him. You just wanted to come home and sleep, not find out that your parents broke into your apartment when you were gone.

"Get out." You were trying to be kind but all of the rage flowing in your blood made it really hard.

"You can't kick me out. That's extremely unreasonable."

Oh. She wanted to play that game? Ok.

"What? So you can kick me out but not the other way around? How the hell does that work?"

"Don't use that tone in front of a man. That's not fe-"

"Feminine? I don't care. You also told me that being in the FBI isn't feminine. Look how that advice worked." You were becoming extremely upset and you wanted her to leave before you started to yell. "Leave. Now. No debate. This is my house, you listen to me."

"Fine. We'll text you at a later date. We expect a sit down conversation before we go home."

With that, before you could say anything, she was gone. You were so blinded with rage for a moment you didn't notice how Spencer had put away his gun, walked up to you, put his hands on your shoulders, and started to hug you from behind.

You don't know how long the both of you stayed like that, not moving. You stood there until your legs got tired that's for sure. Spencer was the first one to break the silence. He leaned his head down so he was even with your ear.

"Let's go to bed. You need your rest."

You didn't have the energy to speak so all you did was nod your head. He wrapped his arms around your waist and started to guide you to the bedroom. You were very grateful to have someone like him, especially in that moment.

When you got to the bed, he took off your jacket and shoes. One thing Spencer has done for you every single night is put a glass of water on your nightstand. You don't know why he does it, he just does. You know that later on he'll ask questions about what that whole interaction was with your mom. You were going to be honest about it for once. You didn't feel scared to talk about your parents like you usually do. Spencer will ask the questions. You'll answer them. It'll be over before you know it. You want Spencer to know you the real you. The real you that comes with flaws and trauma. You just want him to know you, for who you really are and you just wanna know him, for who he really is. You've talked about his past. You know him. Before all of this you were way too scared to talk about your life. Now, laying in bed with him, drifting off to sleep you realize that you love him too much to not let him know you. The real you. The both of you know that you're tired from all of your traveling so you know he won't ask any questions about anything tonight. When he lays down on the opposite side of the bed you can feel the mattress sink below his body. He scoots closer to you in the bed. As he does so, you can feel the warmth radiating off of his body and onto yours. If you were going to be honest with yourself, you don't exactly know how you got in the situation with Spencer.  All you know is you don't ever want it to end. You love Spencer and there's nothing that could change that. You didn't exactly want Spencer to meet your mom like that, or at all. You weren't quite sure but everything you ever thought about when you were thinking of Spencer in your future, meeting your parents was never one of them. I mean sure meeting parents in a relationship is important but with your parents it just wasn't ideal. You knew it was important for Spencer to meet the parents but after tonight your sure he'll understand why you don't want him to meet them.


You woke up to see Spencer missing. When all of your senses kicked in, you realized he was making breakfast. As you got up to walk out to the kitchen, he turns to face you. He says so only you could see and hear.

"I had no choice. They made me."

You look into your living room to see both of your parents sitting there, on you couch you bought from an overly priced antique shop. You start to become just as angry as you were last night. Maybe worse. What truly made it worse was when you mother looked you dead in the eyes.

"Hi honey. I brought your father over just like you asked!"

You couldn't believe her. You never said you wanted to see him. Actually, you said just the opposite of that. That threw you over.

" What the fuck are you doing here?! Leave!"



Uh ohh. Spencer's meeting the parents. This could be bad.

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