first (spiritual) encounter

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Silvia drove home after a long, depressing day. She just got fired from working at a Thai food restaurant, of all places, because 'she had no work ethic'. Silvia slammed her car door shut and drove to her apartment complex. Silvia turned on the radio, hoping a good song would come on. No, there are only commercials. She listened closely as one was promoting a business called 'Ghostbusters'. It sounded interesting, so she kept the station on. Once Silvia arrived at her apartment, she opened the door and flopped on the couch.

"Hi, Twinkie," Silvia said to her pet snake. What could she say? Her favorite snack is Twinkies and the snake was the color of one (yes I made her have a pet snake).

The snake (obviously) didn't respond but just looked at her. Silvia turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. Why is nothing good on that I like?! Then she heard the Ghostbusters commercial again but then decided to watch it. As it played, it showed a phone number. Silvia grabbed a pen and paper and wrote it down. You never know, okay?


Silvia got up from watching TV and decided to be productive and take a shower. She got out some sweatpants and a 'The Beatles' shirt. She headed to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. As she took off her socks and glasses, Silvia heard a low grumble coming from the bathtub.

"What the fuck.." Silvia mumbled to herself. She swung open her shower curtain, surprised to see a green, slimy ghost creature eating her soap bar. Silvia screamed, grabbed her glasses, and ran out of the bathroom, then her apartment. She ran until she found a pay phone, dialing the number she had jotted down earlier.

"Ghostbusters, how may I help you?" A lady on the other end said.

"Hi, I looked into my bathroom and saw a green and slimy ghost eating my soap bar, can you send someone down to help?" Silvia asked as calmly as possible, even though on the inside she was freaking out.

"Yes, we'll send the boys down. What's your address?" The lady asked. Silvia gave her the address, said thank you, and then hung up. Silvia sighed in relief as she sat on the staircase of her apartment.


"We've got one!!" Janine shouted as she hit the alarm.

Ray, Peter, and Egon sat frozen in place, all with the same look saying 'is this real'? They all immediately jumped into action, forgetting about their Thai food for a moment (well, except for Peter, who grabbed one of the boxes of food as he slid down the fire pole).


Silvia sat on the stairs, still waiting, fiddling with her thumbs until she heard the sound of sirens. She thought it would be the police, but it was... Cadillac Miller-Meteor ambulance with a ghost on the side door. Interesting... Then three guys in khaki-colored jumpsuits stepped out of the car with mini-refrigerator-looking things on their backs.

"Uh, you are the guys I called, right?" Silvia asked. They're serious, right?

"Yes, I'm Peter, nerd over here is Egon, and that's Ray." Peter introduced everyone.

"Hi, can we fix my ghost problem as soon as possible, please? I don't feel like living in a motel." Silvia said. They nodded and headed up the stairs. She opened her door, forgetting how much of a mess her apartment was.

"Shit.. sorry it's a mess," Silvia said as she picked up pillows and a blanket off the floor.

"We're not checking for dirty socks or anything, just ghosts, you're good," Ray responded. "Where did you say the incident happened?"

"The bathroom, over there." Silvia pointed towards it. She was about to sit down when she noticed that the tall one was admiring Twinkie, who was slithering around in her tank.

"She's cool, huh?" Silvia said, getting up and standing next to him. "What did you say your name was again?"

"Spengler, Egon Spengler. What's the snake's name?" He asked.

"Uh, Twinkie." Silvia looked down ashamed. "Weird, but it's my favorite treat, and the snake has the color of a Twinkie..."

"Spengler, this is not the time to munch on Twinkies, it's time to bust some ghost. Now, will you please help us?" Peter asked, poking his head from the bathroom.

"I have to go 'bust some ghost'. See you in a bit with a report." Egon said, leaving her side and heading to the bathroom (mind you, the bathroom was a decently sized bathroom, her apartment isn't that shabby).

"Bye.." Silvia replied, being left to her lonesome. "What do you think Twinkie?" The snake cocked her head to the side. "Yeah, I think he's cool too," Silvia whispered, walking away shortly afterward. She headed toward the pantry and grabbed a Crunch bar from the top shelf, unwrapping and immediately eating some of it. She laid back on the couch and looked through her large living room window. There were no stars, only the lights from buildings going on.

"What's your name?" Peter asked from the bathroom.

"Silvia." She shouted back.

"Okay, Silvia. So far we're not seeing much of anything. We'd like you to come back to our headquarters and take some tests." Ray explained.

"Yeah, sure." Silvia agreed. "Like a high school biology test or something?"

"Something like that," Ray replied. "But we did find a half-eaten soap bar."

"Yeah, I found the..thing.. munching on it when I opened the shower curtain. I don't know if had to wash out its mouth because of bad language, but I think that was the most supernatural experience I've ever had throughout my lifetime." Silvia said, which made Egon smile. The others took notice, and they were astonished; he never smiles. Well, it seemed like he never did, up until now.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Ray asks, walking towards her.

"Yeah sure." Silvia agrees, standing up.

"I've never seen Egon smile once, even though we've been friends for a while. Now, I've got a feeling-"

"Dude, we just met," Silvia responds immediately.

"I know, but if my assumption is correct then you have to buy Chinese food for us for the rest of the year. If I'm wrong, then we'll buy Chinese food for you for a year long. Deal?" Ray says, sticking his hand out for her to shake.

"Chinese food? I love Chinese food, but something better please." Silvia says.

"Twinkies?" Ray says, Silvia immediately snapping her head up from looking at the floor.

"Deal," Silvia says, shaking his hand.

"Alright, we're done scoping out the bathroom, time to go back to HQ," Peter says. "What did you do this time Ray?" He walked over to Peter and whispered in his ear what he had told Silvia earlier. As Ray was whispering, Egon stepped out of the bathroom, looking at them with a confused expression.

"What are they whispering to each other about?" Egon asked Silvia.

"Oh, uh- Nothing," Silvia answers abruptly.

Okay... Egon thinks to himself. Subject appears to be hiding something...

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