great, now we're loons.

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As the five of them were put into a psychiatric hospital against their will, Silvia thought things couldn't possibly get worse. Well, she was wrong, because they were put into straight jackets because of how much they were fussing. Egons hair had dried from their slime swim, so it got all puffy on the top, which Silvia thought was cute as hell. Focus on getting out of here first, Silvia. Chill out.

A doctor walked into the room where the five of them sat at a table together, sitting at the other end of the table.

"As I explained before, we think the spirit of a seventeenth-century Moldavian tyrant is alive and well in a painting at the Manhattan museum of art," Ray said, his voice very monotone because of how sick he was of this bullshit.

"Uh-huh. And are there any other paintings in the museum with bad spirits in them?" The doctor asked.

"You're wasting valuable time. He's drawing strength from a psycho-magnatheric slime flow that's been collecting under the city." Egon said.

"Yes, tell me about the slime."

"It's very potent stuff. We made a toaster dance with it!" Silvia chimed in, very frustrated and tiredly if I might add. "And a bathtub tried to eat his friend's baby."

"Don't look at me, I think these people are completely nuts," Peter said, sitting up from keeping his head down on the table.


"And then he took the baby and then the carriage and he levitated away!" Louis explained to them frantically after the Ghostbusters were released from the psychiatric ward. The mayor's assistant had put them there without the mayor knowing, so that dude got fired and now they were going to go battle an evil Carpathian with a watermelon for a head.

"What did Dana do? Where did she go?" Peter asked.

"She said she was going to the museum to get the baby back, and then there was an eclipse and the whole town went dark and everybody's nuts!" Louis said.

"See, it all fits. Vigo wants in on the twenty-first century, he needs a human body to inhabit. Little Oscar must be it!" Silvia said.

"I bet we're the only ones who can do anything, right?" Winston asked.

"You bet we are!" Ray said. They were driven back to headquarters where they all piled back into the Ecto-1A, gear, and equipment ready and all.

"Is there any food in here?" Silvia asked.

"Uh, there's some beef jerky up here," Winston said as he handed it to her from the front seat. Silvia snatched it and ate it quickly, she needed some type of fuel before the big battle. Winston continues to look for more food; he opened the glove box and low and behold, there were Twinkies. Two Twinkies, to be precise. Winston hands them to her, and Silvia's hands one of the sweet treats to her boyfriend. Egon unwraps the treat, cheer-sing it to Silvia's before munching on it.


They arrive in front of the museum, which was covered in pink slime. They all put on their proton packs as a large crowd of people surrounded the building, police, and barriers being the only thing keeping them all back.

"It looks like a giant Jell-O mold," Ray said.

"I hate Jell-O," Winston commented.

"C'mon, there's always room for Jell-O," Peter said. Silvia studied it as the slime slowly moved around, making gurgling noises. The five of them walked closer to the museum and stood in a line, preparing for battle.

"Pull 'em," Ray said, everyone, pulling out their particle throwers. "Let's cook!" The ghostly group of five fired their streams, aiming them at the doors of the museum that were covered in slime. Unfortunately, the power of the streams didn't work, which led the disappointed crowd to start booing at them. Give us a break guys, jeez.

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