558 11 15

since this is a five-year gap between the two films, Silvia is now 31 instead of 26


Now that Gozer was defeated, hauntings turned up less and less, making the Ghostbusters running down the sidewalk a less common sighting. Ray had opened his book shop, 'Rays Occult Books', Winston had started his own business and was financially stable, Egon and Silvia started dating (super happy together of course), but Peter... We don't talk about him.


Dana went up the stairs and into The Institute for Advanced Theoretical Research where Silvia and Egon worked together. She had called earlier about her baby's carriage moving itself into the middle of the busy streets, then stopping, almost getting hit by a bus.

"It went right out into the middle of traffic and I started really running after it. And then it just suddenly stopped, right in the middle of the street." Dana explained to them.

"Mhm, and did anyone else see this happen?" Egon asked her.

"Well, sure, hundreds of people. Guys, I didn't imagine this." Dana said.

"We're not saying you did, it's just in science we always look for the simplest explanation," Silvia said as she adjusted her lab coat. "We're ready."

"Good, we'll start with the negative calibration," Egon told Silvia, to which she nodded. The three of them stood behind a big two-way mirror where on the other side a married couple was arguing.

"What are you two working on?" Dana asked.

"More like what he's working on, I just help here and there, bring his coffee, etcetera," Silvia said.

"I'm trying to determine whether human emotions actually affect the physical environment. It's a theory Ray and I had when we were all still Ghostbusters." Egon said, ending his sentence with a sad tone. Silvia smiled, remembering the fun times they had. Remind me to never let Ray have marshmallows again...

"Can they see us?" Dana asked.

"No. They think they're here for marriage counseling." Egon stated.

"It's going splendid," Silvia said sarcastically.

"We kept them waiting for two and half hours and I've been gradually increasing the temperature in the room. It's up to ninety-five degrees at the moment. Now my assistant has asked them if they'd mind waiting another half-hour." Egon said.

"They're gonna be real happy about this," Silvia commented.

"Oh, good. Very good. Very, very nice." Egon smiled as he used his emotion detector and scanned the fighting couple.

"So, Egon, what do you think?" Dana asked.

"Excellent, just excellent. Do the happiness index next." Egon said as he wrote down some notes on a clipboard.

"She meant about her baby carriage, dear," Silvia said.

"Well, I'd like to bring Ray on this, if you don't mind," Egon said.

"Sure, whatever you think. But not Venkman." Dana said. Silvia scoffed under her breath when she heard his name.

"Oh, no," Egon said.

"Do you ever see him?" Dana asked.


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